ten of wands reversed feelings

ten of wands reversed feelings

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Ten of Wands ~ FACT, INFORMATION, TRUTH You don't have to say yes to every request. Tarot Advice - Guidance in Every Card: Ten of Wands - The ... Ten of Wands. The Ten of Wands reversed is connected to that card. It symbolizes being burdened, stressed, or overextended, much like the other tens cards like the Ten of Pentacles or Ten of Swords.. It is time to let go of this baggage, either by seeking forgiveness or moving on with your life. Ten of Wands Reversed Tarot Card Meaning. Aeclectic Tarot Forum - 10 of Swords Reversed as feelings Feelings of resentfulness and mistrust may also be indicated. Seven of Swords Reversed - You thought you got away with something that was deceptive and under-handed, but it has caught up with you and now . It represents hard work. Ten of Swords Reversed… is calling my attention to the […] The X of Swords is a cause for fear in any who believe in the power of the cards, and you should prepare yourself for whatever it portends. Your creativity has been blocked because you have taken on too many responsibilities. The Ten of Rods/Wands (reversed) is a reminder to me (and possibly for you) to imagine the feeling of releasing the unnecessary burdens I'm carrying, re-prioritize my activities and let go of what no longer serves me. Your career is difficult, and sometimes you can feel as though you're putting in all of this effort and not seeing much return; the energy of these feelings is embodied in the Ten of Wands. Today's card is the Ten of Wands (reversed) from the Mystic Faerie Tarot deck. When this card is reversed the card shows a block in the cycle of completion. Ten of Wands Meaning. Interpretation of the Prince of Wands Thoth Tarot. The reversed Ten of Swords usually represents a refusal to admit defeat or change, fighting against fate and the present itself. Just as the image on the card is of a tough 'battler' the Nine of Wands tells you that you will or have experienced much 'ongoing love' upheaval. It is the bedrock of all your achievements in the hard . The Ten of Wands in Tarot stands for overextending, overwork, burdens, oppression, and struggle. You may be avoiding the inevitable or constantly putting things off until tomorrow. You need to delegate so you aren't the only one carrying those wands. Upright. The amount of work, or the expectations placed upon someone, are just too high. In a financial Tarot reading, the Ten of Wands reversed can indicate that you have reduced your financial burdens or that excessive financial burdens are overwhelming you. Set boundaries. Ten Reversed - Burying your head in the sand and being in denial about problems in the relationship. When the Ten of Wands card is reversed, it indicates that you are truly . Ten of Wands Tarot and its Meaning for Love, Money and ... Tarot is advising you to realistically assess your business priorities and look at where you're wasting your time, energy, and money. Some psychic readers like to read reversed tarot cards. The Knight of Wands in Tarot and How to Read It - Exemplore Don't let your pride get in the way of asking for help. The Devil/Ten of Wands. The Ten of Wands is a card of impending success, but success that has come after struggle. (Reversed) Yes or No. Delegate and share the work - you don't have to do it alone. She has been defending this place for so long that she can't remember what it's like to not be defending her fence of wands. The Seven of Wands Reversed. They are feeling burdened by emotions and feelings that they can't get rid of. Keywords: carrying the load, delegation, release . Ten of Wands Tarot Card Reversed Meaning. Page Of Wands And 10 Of Swords As Feelings. Now you feel utterly blocked both emotionally and physically, and your spirit is downtrodden. General Meaning of the Ten of Wands in a Reading. When reversed, the Ten of Wands tarot card suggests that you need to decide which burdens to carry and which burdens you need to drop. Here are the key meanings of the reversed Ten of Wands. General: When the 10 of Wands appears reversed, you may be tired, dealing with delays, and feeling overstretched. See if it is possible to delegate or share your load with others. The inverted card may also indicate someone quitting a job, or abandoning a task. Feeling overloaded. Failing to confront issues. When the reversed Ten of Wands appears, its meaning is either taken to its extreme, or turned on its head. The Ten of Wands is a tarot card that is mostly associated with pressure and responsibilities. But this is also doubtful. Compromise is almost absent; you only take what you have and go. In reverse, the Queen of Wands is indicative of deceptive feelings on either the part of the seeker or the person being thought of. The image on this card implies that the Querent has complete control of all the many things he wanted control over. You may be in denial and maintain a business as normal attitude in the hope that it will all go away or sort itself out. 1. This is not necessarily something that you need to push through. On the other hand, you may have to step forward and take charge because you are the only one capable enough. In its reversed position, it is basically an exaggerated version of the upright card. It could mean failure, ruin, or mortality accompanied by depression and feelings of being broken and crushed by the weight of the world. The seeker must be cautious of the fact that what is being projected . You or your partner will be calling it quits. The reversed shows someone as feeling like they have taken on too much stress and responsibility and cannot handle it all. As common with many reversed cards, the Ten of Cups reversed can cast a dark shadow on the unity and blessed good tidings that its upright version represents. Self-harm/ destructive habits, emotional problems as a result of being unable to express or connect with our emotions. 8 of Wands Tarot Card. You're probably feeling burdened now with all manner of responsibilities and tasks that weight you down. There is no way to avoid this tragedy - it has happened over a long course of events that have been a long time coming. When upright, the ten suggests that you are feeling overworked. The Ten of Wands reversed appears when you're trying to take on too much by yourself. In this card, we may be coming close to the end of a challenging cycle . We saw this in its upright position in the first reading. This could be due to marriage or even possibly the fear of getting married because it is seen as a chain that can never be broken off no matter how hard you try. 10 of wands is burdensome, but with a goal in mind. The Ten of Wands can also stand for times when you have to assume the lion's share of responsibility. The 7 of wands reversed is a dire reminder that you are the type of person who would instead follow people around. The Queen of Wands Reversed Tarot Card as Feelings. General: When the 10 of Wands appears reversed, you may be tired, dealing with delays, and feeling overstretched. Trouble taking responsibility. You need to remember that you can ' t be everything to everyone, so it ' s time to delegate some of those tasks you ' ve added to your list. All the Tens in the Tarot mean that certain things are coming to an end; that there is a sense of completion just ahead. That struggle could represent . reversed. When we see any version of the Ten of Swords , the feelings are powerful. This is not to say that temporary and supportive situations are bad, but an ongoing lack of balance due to laziness or co-dependency will harm both you and the relationship. The Suit of Wands in all readings has a connotation with work and the energy we put into our careers. The Nine of Wands for a love or relationship Tarot query doesn't tend to have the best connotations (Upright or Reversed). Ten of Wands says you have been under pressure and experienced many changes in your lifetime. Seek out upbeat people. The Ten of Wands Reversed . As a result of this, you are being forced to live under someone else's control. Please use filter to find your card's combination. Nine of wands people have given up on defending their territory as they didn't really want it in the first place. Sometimes I know immediately what needs to go, and other times it's not as clear. II. Yes/No question for The Ten of Wands card: No. In the inverted position, the Ten of Wands represents: Buckling under pressure. If you're wondering how someone thinks about you, the ten of wands can indicate that they're feeling majorly responsible and may even believe they're entirely liable for the relationship's result. The card in this position is about obstacles, obstruction, and missed opportunities. January 3, 2021 January 3, . 4. In this kind of drawings, the Ten of Wands may come up upright, as well as reversed. 9 OF WANDS OVERVIEW. Dynamic change will "seem" impossible when you are burdened by too great a . Tarot combinations limited to show 100 objects only. You are highly sensitive to criticism. Your plate is too full, and you are over burdened by the expectations that you have placed on yourself. As the upright signifies love, romance, and happiness in the reversed position the ace of wands can suggest something is being blocked, such . Tarot is said to go back to the Egyptians and the god of wisdom Thoth. Did you take on these burdens voluntarily, or because of some obligation or directive? You might feel like you're wading through quicksand. REVERSED: Doing it all, carrying the burden, delegation, release. Ten of Wands reversed: You don't have to take on the weight of the world. Generally, it means that someone (in the relationship) has already decided on the course of action they wish to follow. Nine Of wands Tarot Card Combinations Human. 2. Ten of Wands as Feelings If you are asking how someone feels about you or a situation, the Ten of Wands can suggest that they feel the weight of the world on their shoulders when they think about you. If you're feeling overloaded, this card can also advise to seek help rather than going it alone. See if it is possible to delegate or share your load with others. Summoning all your courage will be key to your success. It is possible that you will need both. Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meanings. Ten Of Wands, 10 Of Wands, 10 Of Wands Yes Or No, 10 Of Wands Reversed, Ten Of Wands Yes Or No, Ten Of Wands Reversed, 10 Of Wands Love, Ten Of Wands Love, Ten Of Wands Meaning, 10 Of Wands Meaning, 10 Ten Of Wands Tarot Card Guide, Ten Of Wands Tarot Card Meaning Reversed Love Past Present Future Health Money Career Spirituality It may seem that you have taken on more than you should. When upright, the ten suggests that you are feeling overworked. Ten of Swords Reversal Meaning. Ten of Wands Reversed When the Ten of Wands reversed appears in a Tarot reading, it is often a sign that you are trying to do too much by yourself. The Ten of Wands Reversed tells us that we . The Ten of Wands indicates feeling too overwhelmed that you buckle under pressure. The card in this position is about obstacles, obstruction, and missed opportunities. You may be far better served by taking a break. Other possible things suggested by this card are feelings of being trapped, opressed, or having no control over your circumstances. Honestly, though, I get the feeling that he's happy with the status quo and isn't really considering anything more at this time. The answer is "No". The Ten of Wands reversed can reveal a lack of balance within a relationship, as one partner may shift to doing the work of both, even gladly, out of love and devotion. The ten of wands is a card of burden. . An unsuccessful period awaits you. Something is now at an end but you are holding on . Ten of Cups. The Queen of Wands in reverse can be interpreted as a Feelings card in the following ways. ASTROLOGICAL . Interpretation: In the upside-down position, the 10 of Wands indicates that you are holding on to the burden, feeling weighed down fulfilling your duties. For those of you who are single, the reversed Ten of Wands tells you that letting go of your burdens and stress is necessary to meet new people. Ten of Wands Reversed. Some don't. Spirituality Meaning - Reversed Ten Of Wands: The reversed Ten of wands when dealing with spirituality meaning is about feeling trapped in life and not knowing how to break free. At this point, the saying "No pain, no gain" sounds pretty . Domestic violence/bullying. She can remember, however, that it seems like the battle has already been won, and that it was won through resilience, effort and defiance. Ten of Wands shows a man holding a bunch of ten wands, which seem quite a load on him. Undependable, stress, procrastination. 1. It also means harvest or defense, and collecting or stockpiling. It could also mean an irresponsible behavior from your side due to which the people who matter are suffering. Even a short few hours to relax and de-stress can be helpful. This fourth verse of the 23rd Psalm is the beautiful state of conscious confidence in God that the mind reaches with the Ten of Swords. Ave of swords reversed: refusal to accept the truth, voluntarily reject what is known to be the truth The hermit: Solitude, . 3. 1390. Visual Description of The Ten of Wands Card Ten of Wands Reversed Tarot Card Meanings. Generosity or self sacrifice in a destructive or intimidating situation. According to my. Ten of Wands in Career Reversed. Reversed 10 of Wands key terms: Relief, getting rid of the burden, losing the grip, failing to fulfill obligations, inability to deal with too many things at a time. When the Ten of Wands appears upside down in a divinatory tarot draw, there are two main scenarios that are possible. This is not necessarily something that you need to push through. That makes sense with 10 = WOF and being "recycled." And with swords representing thoughts, maybe he's re-thinking and over-thinking any feelings he may have had for me in the past. The Ten of Wands indicates that your will-power is blocked. In your effort to be everything to everyone, you have found yourself struggling under the weight of it all. Key essential element of the Ten of Wands: Fire. In the first of these, this draw reflects the difficulties the seeker is having in finding their life's true purpose. Love and Relationships Your love life is at a standstill. The Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meaning. The Page of Wands and 10 of Swords tarot card combination represent feelings of confusion and misjudgement. When we see any version of the Ten of Swords , the feelings are powerful. It may be because you hate the thought of fighting with others. With an overall negative tone, the answer is no. He is the leader, the boss. You're discouraged and feel there are disturbances blocking your path. 10 rx - Refusing to let go. Ten of Wands Card Meaning . Brazenly, the nine of wands stands guard, poised and ready to take on anything that comes her way. In the reversed position, this card is a sign that you have stumbled. A man carries ten heavy wands, trying to keep them together, bowed over by their weight. Your load isn't any lighter than in the upright Ten of Wands card, and you're feeling the burn. The wands energy is vital and sparkly but can often run out over time. Ten of Wands Reversed Keywords: help is available, delegated work, shared effort, time saved. 2. Even a short few hours to relax and de-stress can be helpful. And while we shouldn't just blindly accept everything sent our way; some things are final and out of our control. Nine of wands reversed indicates someone who believes they have nothing left to lose and they are ready to walk away from whatever is going on in their lives. Prince of Wands is the embodiment of a temperate, strong, brave, reckless, relaxed, impulsive and passionate young man. Some of the cards that reinforce the qualities of the Ten of Wands are Justice (Major Arcana card) and the Five of Wands, Six of Swords, Nine of Swords, and Five of Pentacles. The Ten of Wands has appeared in your reading to tell you that you have taken on far more then you can handle. 10 of Wands in the Reversed Position. When it comes to receiving a clear 'yes' or 'no' answer from this card during your tarot reading, there's an interesting explanation to be discovered.. When the reversed Ten of Wands appears in a reading, it's often a sign that someone is overburdened. They are feeling burdened by emotions and feelings that they can't get rid of. Reversed. In the second position: Your greatest physical asset is your mind. You're discouraged and feel there are disturbances blocking your path. There is no way to avoid this tragedy - it has happened over a long course of events that have been a long time coming. Tens have to do with finishing a cycle, endings and beginnings, completions and sometimes family matters. The Ten of Wands, in its upright position, shows an image of being weighted . This principle can apply easily to your work life. A lot of time and effort can be saved if you utilize the resources around you. Answer (1 of 9): In reality, Tarot cards are just cards that have been used by the wise over time to fool the less wise. If you are asking how someone feels about you or a situation, the Ten of Wands can suggest that they feel the weight of the world on their shoulders when they think about you. Unplug and say no. Reversed 10 of Wands Thoth card. The reversed Ten of Wands can be a sign that your burdens have finally become too heavy. Whether reversed or upright, the card signals the finality of defeat. This ten is a card of restriction, demonstrating how being forced into certain roles based on tradition can leave a person feeling restricted. You are experiencing an oppressive burden both physically and mentally. You aren't looking at the big picture, but putting one foot in front of the other in order to do the job. Ten of Wands as Feelings . Ten of Wands Feelings The ten of wands as a sensation indicates that the Seeker is fatigued and under a lot of personal stress. Before diving deeper into the upright- and reversed ten of wands card meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, first a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Minor Arcana card. Ruled by Saturn in Sagittarius . In this article we'll cover the in-depth 'yes or no' meaning of the Ten of Wands in both the upright and reversed position, as well . Losing one's motivation. Reversed as feelings- that's a toughy, but I think this person feels dragged down by the other and that the relationship isn't going anywhere. The Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meaning: Reversed. Your life would be full of satisfying happiness without a single doubt. The Suit of Cups has always been the emotional suit in tarot, at times delving deeply into interpersonal and intimate connections and the feelings they bring. As a result, you end up backing down and letting others have their way. Fearful of the new. 8 of wands reversed feelings Suits of Wands Tarot Cards . Everything will be fabulously good. The answer is "Yes". If the Ten of Wands shows up in your reading, it might be asking you to delegate and prioritize your responsibilities. It may also indicate that you are wasting your time and energy on a task in which victory is impossible. Minor Arcana type: Number, 10. Insurmountable problems. Generosity or self-sacrifice in a destructive or intimidating situation. You might feel like you're wading through quicksand. You've fallen off the horse! Self-harm/destructive habits, emotional problems as a result of being unable to express or connect with our emotions. TEN OF WANDS REVERSED . You would be feeling that your dream has come true and it is just the same. Reversed Knight of Wands. Wands energy must be managed well and the Ten of Wands indicates burnout. This way you strengthen your relationship because of the teamwork and get rid of the stress that was lying on your shoulders. This card represents responsibility, pressure and burden, which can seem overwhelming and too much to handle. This card can represent people, in any field of life, but it can also be an experience in the field that corresponds in question. Ten of Wands - You are carrying the burden of your guilt and shame and it is weighing heavily on you. Reversed Knight of Wands. It can also predict family squabbles over money, separation, and even divorce. The Ten of Wands tarot is the card for responsibility and achievement. But that's just my first thought. Ten of Wands reversed Tarot card meanings. Drawing a reversed Ten of Wands indicates a general lack of motivation. The Ten of Wands is a card highly associated with feeling an intense pressure and being over burdened in some area of your life. Trying to start a new relationship before completely cutting the ties of a previous one. What follows is the lessons of the Wands…"thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.". When drawing tarot cards, usually they are put in a vertical setting, spread on a timeline of the past, present, and future. The ten of wands is a card of burden. Their career goals might not be clear, which leads to them feeling apathetic and helpless. Living in the past. Struggling, overextending, feeling burdened. It looks like he has taken on more than he can carry. You may be far better served by taking a break. Ten of Wands as feelings Ten of Wands: Card of the Day day It is desirable to meet the present day with a good dose of discipline and endurance. Ten of wands reversed as a person denotes someone who is afraid to use their talents in case it means they will have to take on responsibility. Rightly or wrongly, the cleanup will fall to you. The oldest mention is believed to be Italian approx. Whether reversed or upright, the card signals the finality of defeat. The Ten of Wands can also represent the achievement of goals and aspirations, but the goals have come with a significant commitment of energy. . The reversed Seven of Wands represents feelings of weakness, vulnerability and being overwhelmed. Answer (1 of 2): Without further details on which card was pulled for which part of the question, I will assume they all relate to the whole question and are in sequence. Love and Relationships. It is likely that in their enthusiasm and credulity, they've misread a certain person or situation which left them feeling betrayed at this moment. However this is the time in your journey where you must complete a major spiritual . For feelings, the Ace of Wands reversed can mean that an opportunity is fizzling out. You may be blamed or left holding the bag. You've fallen off the horse! Wands indicate energy, action, projects, ideas, opportunities and responsibilities. They are afraid of being judged and hide behind others, unions, policies, and so forth so that no one can target them. Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meaning. The Devil corresponds with Earth (cold/binds and dry/shapes, and stable, material, practical energies that are slow to change), Capricorn ("I build," ambitious, competent, cautious, cunning), Ayin (the eye, senses), and the Path between Hod (which provides analysis and communication) and Tipareth (the hub of the creation process where energies harmonize and focus to . In the reversed position, this card is a sign that you have stumbled. Domestic violence / bullying. Ten of Wands Reversed. The reversed Ten of Pentacles often represents loss when it comes to money, family, friends and even health. This principle can apply easily to your work life. The reversed Ten of Wands has two different meanings in love Tarot. It might be that you have too many projects for you to handle on your own. 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