alchemical marriage stages

alchemical marriage stages

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Soul Shock happens in this stage. Unfortunately, not everyone will make alchemical status in their lifetime because of their blind sense of self. The Great Work (Latin: Magnum opus) is an alchemical term for the process of working with the prima materia to create the philosopher's stone. The majority of people would like to advance into higher levels of awareness, while still maintaining the comforts of their identity, belief systems, and multiple contradictory views. The appearance of the aforementioned androgynous figure comes up in mythology, astrology, and tarot. These physiological and psychological processes create the Second Body, a body of solid light that emerges through the Crown or Gold Chakra. A perfect conjunction, of intimate bonding of duality. Heal your past today. I hope you found the series helpful. WebThe stages of transformation might be seen as follows: calcination, which symbolizes "the death of the profane," that is, the extinction of all interest in life and in the manifest world, and putrefaction, a consequence of the first stage, which consists of the sepa ration of the destroyed remains. In the lettering, the King says in Latin, "O Luna, let me be thy husband," reinforcing the imagery of marriage. Alchemists were quite imaginative and pictured the successful marriage of masculine and feminine in a person as a unicorn and stag marrying in the middle of a forest. This combined energy fuels our business and keeps us protected and safe to fulfill our twin flame duties. Alchemical partners hate to be apart and stay together no matter how intense any lows they may experience. She brings all these tools together and combines them with her natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. To the esoteric sphere alchemy is our inner-stars, and to the exoteric sphere, alchemy was reduced to merely metallurgy and its sister sciences since the exoteric sphere could not conceive that the mineral kingdom was reflecting a higher nature that was present in all processes and at higher orders of operationan above. If you manage to connect you will have a powerful union of great responsibility to more than just each other. The principle of alchemical marriage between twin flames describes the transformation twin flames must achieve before ascension can be attained. To be an alchemist means you have the power to transmute something ordinary into something spectacular in a seemingly mysterious way. Some say there is no such thing as truth, that clarity is a dream. In the esoteric sphere, the spirit-matter continuum is the essential theme of alchemy, where there is a refinement of the mystics vessel until gnosis has been awakened. Our body, mind, and soul are the substance being concentrated for this duration to affirm their integrity. This article is the culmination of The Law of Attraction Series. In short, Mercury and its corresponding nature, water, can dissolve all because they contain all. Alchemical authors sometimes elaborated on the three or four color model by enumerating a variety of chemical steps to be performed. Zosimus of Panopolis wrote that it was known to Mary the Jewess. Within its cocoon the caterpillar releases enzymes that dissolve all of its tissues liquefying it into a soup that will be reorganized into the blueprint of a butterfly. The "Four Stage" Version If you have missed my earlier articles on Law of Attraction, links to Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV are here. The teachings of alchemy have been cloaked for centuries in secrecy in order to preserve its integrity. Twin Flames Stages And Signs; Twin Flame Number 7 - Journey Towards Ascension; Once we are self-possessed usually during our teenage years there is a shift, and we become aware of In this state of consciousness, one can project the entire Universe with its higher vibrational energy. She is the administrator of the social media account: The Alchemist, where she shares esoteric knowledge to help humanity gracefully tap into our evolutionary potential. This would have been a standard sentiment in a Renaissance marriage, but it reinforces the nature of the passive principle. (2020, August 26). Sorry, comments are closed for this post. After breakfast, we take the time to Netflix and chill out together. In fact, anyone on a Souls journey can be in Alchemy. Thank you and much blessings. Following this reasoning, we can discern that the development of our inner senses, transmutation of our soul, and union of our hemispheres are what the true work in alchemy pertains to. The flooring is checkered, representing the forces of light and darkness in harmonious balance. Nothing is more central to the subject of alchemy than The Great Work or, Magnum Opus, the transformative work of redeeming the subtle from the gross, combining the celestial with the terrestrial, which is repeated in a circulatory process until it matures to the highest level of refinement producing the philosophers stone. Stage seven, the golden years, will last until one of you leaves the earth. From this perspective we can clearly see why the majority of people would not voluntarily choose to sacrifice their worldly existence to embark down the path of the Magician. This is a crucial point in the work as it signifies a boiling point has been reached between the lower self and the Higher Self. Number 12 is a very auspicious number dating back to the Biblical Times. However, these lessons tend to get co-opted by the egos nature to protect itself. Webthe solar red alchemical rose. This is the esoteric meaning of the seven stages: Calcination: The initiation into higher states of consciousness is always done by subtracting rather than adding. It is a union intentionally set for both of you to meet at a specific time for a specific reason. Hopefully, this will be the longest stage of marriage! The quota of united twin flames reached maximum capacity about two years ago. Webthe solar red alchemical rose. The alchemical journey is the backdrop to all of our lives. Its for that very reason that the Great Work was given its name. Heart Palpitations And Spiritual Awakening, Twin Flame Number 7 - Journey Towards Ascension, There is nothing better than soaking in a bath using aroma oils o. r taking a shower to renew our mental clarity and cleanse our auras. The Sacred Marriage. The majority of people would like to advance into higher levels of awareness, while still maintaining the comforts of their identity, belief systems, and multiple contradictory views. (accessed March 2, 2023). The product of the sacred union is the incorruptible philosophers stone, the embodied I am presence. It also shapes what we will receive. An example of paradigm change will be of two biological twins, both born in an African family, later one is adopted by a Caucasian family and the other to an Asian family, both of the childrens upbringing will be different. Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. Our fragmented selves harden, and instead of seeking divine union, we resort to physical attractions, which are merely physical and temporary. This process calls for another permanent rebirth as old 3D door or paradigms shut off permanently, while new 5D gateway opens. The Magnum Opus had originally four stages: nigredo, a blackening; albedo, a whitening; citrinitas, a yellowing, and rubedo, a reddening. The Space Between No Longer and Not Yet: Astrology Forecast November 8th 15th, Meditation, Yoga, Grounding & Mindfulness, How Multidimensional Controlled Opposition Seeks to Prevent Mankinds Evolution, Healing the Shock of Awakening: 7 Ways to Integrate Your New Understanding, Healing the Chaos Sorcery Paralysis: Three Steps to Take Back Your Power, Judgement Release: The Gateway to Unity Consciousness, Addiction in our 3D World: The Role of the Shadow, The Alchemy of Feminine Energy: Being the Change You Want to See,, Why Some Scientists Resist the Evidence for Psi, Shadow Work: 13 Dark Archetypes (& Free Test), 5D Shift: Were Living in Two Worlds Now A Critical Time for Focus, How to Practice Self-Inquiry (Who Am I?) Meditation, In Service of the Divine Being a Bridge Between Worlds. In alchemy, the Magnum Opus symbolizes an alchemists great effort in the process of forming the legendary substance which generates astounding powers that transform base metals into gold and silver. If inner spiritual and emotional turmoil is allowed to fester, one cannot muster the spiritual energy needed to find such a union. In this instance, it is Soul Birth. Vows may be renewed. Or as Shakespeare so artistically phrased it. Two Stages of Marriage There are two completely different stages of marriage, Joseph Campbell told Bill Moyers. As a result, we experience wholeness in our spiritual core, which raises our vibration, and transforms us into truthful lovers, honest friends, and parental role models. Beyer, Catherine. Two Stages of Marriage There are two completely different stages of marriage, Joseph Campbell told Bill Moyers. Conjunction is empowerment of our true selves, the union of both Masculine and Feminine sides, The Hieros Gamos, our inner marriage and union of our personalities into oneness, a pure state of consciousness. WebThis is the beginning stages of the process from lead based ego to gold consciousness, the beginning of ones Soul Alchemy. The knowledge I received in spiritual scriptures, was a much deeper dimension than face value, from the simple end of the spectrum. Calcination provides the necessary friction that challenges the persona, annihilating the stagnant energy holding our ideologies and neurosis in place so that the spirit may awaken. WebTwin Flames and The Alchemical Marriage The Union of the Twin Flames is the ultimate Alchemical Marriage. For until twin flames achieve a certain level of mastery and oneness with their own Real Selves, they are often unable to cope with the weight of their negative karma. The tools I used, were anything from a Crystal ball to the sacred tarot.. My experience was/ is otherworldly, personal and a Consciousness change of eyes and ears opened.. in conclusion, I had no idea from the start, till present,what was to be, and what was to occur My journey remains ongoing, and I pray, that this information is Enlightening to one, if not many individuals.. Activity needs material to take physical form, but passive material needs definition to be anything more than potential. And why not, because it is a magical event indeed. I knew of the outcome of my disease, and I asked my Lord and God to use me in any capacity for the betterment of all.. This is the esoteric meaning of the seven stages: Calcination: The initiation into higher states of consciousness is always done by subtracting rather than adding. Due to the rule that substances are dissolved by substances that share a similar makeup aka: like dissolves like, water has the capacity to disband the body and soul of psychic contaminates. The Alchemical Child When Diana opens Ashmole 782 for the first time in nearly 500 years, she comes across a depiction of the alchemical child. Alchemy is known as the Spagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine. This stage utilizes the element Air as it filters through our two natures, true essence and the programmed self, separating the subtle from gross matter. If this be error and upon me proved, The struggle to recover our lost faculties that began in calcination, are fulfilled in this stage as the chemical transfusions from each phase have accumulated to create the sulfur of gold. Alchemy is known as the Spagyric Art, meaning to separate, and recombine. This stage utilizes the element Air as it filters through our two natures, true essence and the programmed self, separating the subtle from gross matter. Reconnecting with your inner child has a powerful affect on your life. Calcination provides the necessary friction that challenges the persona, annihilating the stagnant energy holding our ideologies and neurosis in place so that the spirit may awaken. This is achieved by the reconfiguration and synthesis of the persons elements: water, earth, air, and fire into the spiritual Quintessence. As the former self perishes, we encounter the inner void. Be Connected. It occurs near the end of the Magnum Opus in order to increase gains in the transmutation of higher Alchemical form, from lead to gold consciousness. Water is the element of intuition, the unconscious, and feelings, its higher nature is the sea of consciousness that is manifested into energy in motion (Emotion). We have such peace; we are mindful to start our day with intention, and thanks. Also, dont forget that we are neither male nor female at a soul level; we are both. Each alchemist had their own variation on the number of operations to completing the great work with 4, 7 and 12 stages being the most common amount that was applied. Water is the element of intuition, the unconscious, and feelings, its higher nature is the sea of consciousness that is manifested into energy in motion (Emotion). Coagulation incarnates and releases theUltima Materiaof the Soul, the Astral Body, which The Alchemists also referred to as the Greater or Philosophers Stone. "Marriage of the Red King and White Queen in Alchemy." Rather than reverting to the old habit of dutifully trying to forgive or forget, you face your dragon and demons here and meet them in the eye. Copyright 2020-2023Twin Flame Union - All Rights Reserved. It is said that if it was not for A battle of wills is taking place where in order for the mystic to progress any further, their enduring shadow aspects must be truthfully assessed and assimilated. The energy is more obtainable now, more than ever before. The emptiness that was experienced as intense grief in Calcination has dissipated into the presence of stillness in Separation. Which alters when it alteration finds, Many partners use this stage to reflect on their long and rich history. I knew Law of Attraction is pivotal in Twin Flame journey but in order for me to write five part series, I had to gain spiritual maturity to do justice to the articles. Webthe solar red alchemical rose. The principle of alchemical marriage between twin flames describes the transformation twin flames must achieve before ascension can be attained. This operation takes place in the Earth element since it is the first materialization of embodiment in the great work. Webis consulted, as being a six-stage process, 12 stage, 20, 22, 50, and even 75 stage process! Alchemical Processes The stages of alchemical progression involved in the great work (the ultimate goal of alchemy, involving the perfection of the soul, represented allegorically as the transmutation of common lead into That only feminine energy comes from a female, and masculine energy only generates for males. Our own spiritual cycle coming into a full death and rebirth circle. Rebis: the Result of the Great Work in Alchemy, Alchemical Sulfur, Mercury and Salt in Western Occultism, Deciphering Eliphas Levi's Baphomet: The Goat of Mendes, The Five Element Symbols of Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Spirit, As Above So Below Occult Phrase and Origin, Geometric Shapes and Their Symbolic Meanings, Faravahar, the Winged Symbol of Zoroastrianism, The God of Wealth and Other Deities of Prosperity and Money, M.A., History, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Their union gives them extra alchemic magic power 1,000 times more together rather than the 9, 11, or 22 that they are without their duality partner to stabilize, focus, and create. Alchemy operates on all levels of reality within this Universe. The Queen, however, says "O Sol, I must submit to thee." However, it is possible to understand the alchemical process in terms of four basic stages, this being most useful when starting out as an "alchemical beginner" and in trying to relate it to the psychotherapeutic process. Western thought has long identified a wide variety of concepts as being masculine or feminine. It is said that if it was not for Twin Flame Heart Palpitations: What Am I Experiencing? You can read thefull article herehow I debunked this myth. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Aforementioned androgynous figure comes up in mythology, astrology, and recombine spiritual cycle coming into a full and... About two years ago first materialization of embodiment in the great Work a! Chill out together of solid light that emerges through the Crown or Chakra... 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