toba hulk powers and abilities

toba hulk powers and abilities

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Here Are the Numbers, World War Hulk (Greatest Stories Ever Told) Comic Basics, Nobody Likes The Incredible Hulk When He Is Hangry. I turn my face towards you.One Below All, The One Below All is the source of the mutagenic form of Gamma energy that creates Gamma Mutates while being the cause of how Gamma energy can seemingly do almost anything and break the rules of science and nature. Overpowering the combined efforts of the X-Men to defeat him, including Juggernaut and Colossus, and breaking both arms of Colossus with ease in the process. Survived energy rays which were potent enough to change the orbit of an entire planet (from Tales to Astonish #89). When the alien, Par%l, tried to make contact with the Breaker of Worlds in an attempt to reason with it, the alien instead met the abstract form of the One Below All which told hir it wanted to "Make all hollow as I, dark and dead as I" and killed Par%l. The Hulk endured as Banner's "imaginary friend" for years. The Hulk shown during World War Hulk as having a level of physical power where ". It took TOBA a very very long time to gain the ultimate control of Hulk and to destroy Bruces soul completely so we can say with 100 % certainty that TOBA Hulk version is no Hulk at all, it contains no traces of Hulk or Bruce Banner for that matter, its simply an empty shell being used by TOBA as its vessel. The One Above All is the highest creative force in known existence,[2] and the source of all there is, was, and ever will be. Origin, Abilities, Powers and Several Other Things, MCUs Hulk Movies in Order: Including All Appearances. My authority comes from on High. 6 She-Hulk Possesses Gamma Radiation Manipulation. While fighting evil forces, Hulk accidentally kills his father, Brian, and immediately forgets about it. [6] This alludes to its phrase "I have all of the power you give me." He holds the ability to analyze situations and reach conclusions and solutions successfully using "unreason and magical thinking" . The Hulk is able to use his highly developed leg muscles to leap great distances. He absorbs Gamma radiation from every universe and dimension to power his abilities. Because of his healing factor that regenerates his cells, and the gamma energy he has absorbed that empowers him, the Hulk can live longer then is normal. Like the rest of his abilities, his healing factor is linked to his rage and the stress that he is under the angrier he is, the faster he will heal, and his healing factor is theoretically unlimited. With his power regained, the Hulk merged back with Bruce and closed the Green Door, sending everybody on the scene back to Earth. Comes back from a special arrow in the base of his brain in a way "no healing factor can counteract" (from Avengers Vol 1 #684). We will discuss this topic more by mentioning how The One Below All and Bruce Banner crossed paths, how TOBA became TOBA Hulk and explaining its powers. Additionally, it has stated that "I howl through many mouths, I break with many hands" which means that, like the One Above All, it exists within every being and sees from their perspective, though it cannot control them directly, only influence them. I break with many hands. All in all, TOBA Hulk is a manipulative, gamma energy mutant with unrivaled and nigh-limitless power that can only be rivaled by The One Above All. Eventually, he fell onto a nameless planet where Gorr, the future god-butcher stole All-Black. The Hulk absorbed the whole radiation of the planet and also gained the so-called Old Power, powerful energy flowing through Sakaar. The One Above All has stated that its "only weapon is love", which was further stated by the Watcher. Able to completely separate himself from Bruce Banner, without harming either of them. Pushed through Vector's full power blasts (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #277). He also killed Bruces mother, Rebecca, in front of the little boy and later ended up in the mental institution. Has regrown his neck after the Maestro snapped it during the future imperfect storyline. World Breaker Hulk: Powers and Abilities World Breaker Hulk retains all the powers of the Normal Hulk/The Incredible Hulk such as: Invulnerability Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, leaps, and durability Anger empowerment Regeneration Transformation Disease Immunity Decelerated Aging Aquatic Adaptation Vacuum Adaptation Reactive Adaptation Apart from stomping and causing earthquake across entire continents and planets, the World-Breaker has phenomenal destructive abilities. [23] Determined to bring Bruce Banner back to the earthly plane, Joe Fixit, now the dominant personality of the Hulks, contacted the Fantastic Four to enter the Below Place through the Forever Gate along with Jackie McGee. Can withstand extreme hot and cold temperatures, and has even endured the sun's heat (from Tales to Astonish #73, Tales to Astonish #80, Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #105). [11] Having been investigating the Below-Place and the Green Door, the Leader set out to help bring this dire future into being. Hurls about his enemies with a breath (from incredible Hulk Vol 1 #286-290). Forums. Survived being punched into orbin by an amped Spider-Man (from the Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #328). So What are the Incredible Hulks superpowers? Is able to smash through the draining and cause enough feedback to destroy the Starwheel and free them all (from Defenders Vol 2 #8). New Comics. Due to gamma radiation from the Below-Place, regeneration is seen in a more gruesome detail. Has 90% of his flesh removed by Vector, still keeps moving, then regenerates it in a few panels (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #398). Resists the Leader's mind blasts (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #367). Power Stone Controls all of the power in the universe. Granted with powers and abilities similar to that of the Flash, the Reverse-Flash is unwavering in his determination to oppose and destroy all that's important to the Flash. Make all hollow as I. Monica using every type of deadly radiation can't do anything to Hulk. Shrugged off several of M.O.D.O.K. Tanks Captain Marvel hitting him with every deadly form of radiant energy. Of course, Brian Banners story doesnt stop there, and during the research of gamma energy, he gains a vision of The One Below All and learns that the evil entity is looking for him. [8] When Brian's son Bruce investigated gamma radiation on his own, he developed a powerful Gamma Bomb. We know that it has the ability to devour whole planets, abstracts such as Eternity, and other living beings.TOBA is primarily fed by negative emotions such as sadness, grief, anxiety, and anger, the more negative emotions TOBA can feed on the more powerful it becomes. Far more than multiverses even! Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. For months, the Hulk has been channeling the power of two Universes (from Heroes Reborn: The Return Vol 1 #4). The Hulk was overwhelmed with anger and released an energy that threatened to destroy the world (from World War Hulk #5. Also, when cosmic e. The entity is marked with extreme mindlessness serving only as a negative aspect of The One Above All. This is referenced in, The One Below All cannot create or make anything as creation is against its fundamental nature. Has overwhelmed threats who have overpowered him by getting angrier. Strange riding Surfer's board through time (from Dr. Despite his reluctance, Bruce let his father temporarily stay with him. Aother character who go on to gain superpowers of his own wasGeneral Thunderbolt Ross, father of Bruces romantic interest Betty Ross. And 'tis said his power is supreme in all the Multiverse. The Hulk's regenerative healing factor also enables him to resist to physical transmutations (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #262, #266 and #363). Copyright 2023 Comic Basics, a property of Incomera d.o.o. The Hulk is completely invulnerable to all known Earth-based diseases and viruses, including AIDS (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #388 and Incredible Hulk Annual #14). However, Hulk faces the manifestations of Rick Jones and Ross, which enraged him and transformed him into Savage Hulk. Gamma Flight arrived at the scene and further complicated things, as the Absorbing Man used the commotion to distract everybody at the scene so he can absorb all of the gamma radiation on the scene and use it to power up the portal that will be able to open the Green Door. Multiversal Imbalance: When Thanos, controlled by his omnipotent future self, got hold of his universe's Regulator (an artifact more powerful than the Infinity Gems which served to keep each universe separate from one another), this caused a grave imbalance to the Multiverse, something that the Above-All-Others was unable to fix. During its first live test, Bruce noticed a teenager named Rick Jones driving into the testing area. Brian followed him and started harassing Bruce, calling him a mutant and a monster. The Hulk Breaks the Will of an Entire Town (from Avengers Vol 3 #40). The Incredible Hulk is a character created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby in 1962, in response from fans who indicated that their favorite character was the Thing (Lee also created the Fantastic Four). After that event, Brian was placed under arrest for murdering his wife and sent to a mental hospital while Bruce was sent to live with his aunt and father's sister, Susan Banner, who understood his great pain and rage over his childhood sufferings. [14], It is speculated that the One Above All is possibly the start of something even higher. The destruction continued for billions of years, but the gamma-mutated villain Leader started meddling with the timeline and made things worse; now, TOBA wants to absorb Bruce Banner and Devil Hulk to become complete. Manifesting, the One Above All enigmatically answered that, much like the One Below All itself, the Hulk has served the purpose of the counterweight to their creations, tearing things down so that it can then be rebuilt. There is no way to even measure is strength!" Crushing the enchanted Uru hammer of Nul: Breaker of Worlds with his bare hands when The Serpent/Cul and his avatars known as The Worthy were at the height of their power (Fear Itself: Hulk vs. Dracula #3). If he gets angry enough, he can blow entire cities to smithereens with just a radiated roar. Puck mentioned that it had been stroking minds and moving things around to suit its plans. Both the traumatic events and his unique genes caused Bruce to start to develop dissociative identity disorder. The Green Door brought Bruce back to life, but the time span between his death and resurrection was so short, his death went unnoticed. It killed and destroyed until it became the only presence in the cosmos. Jeff Parker, a long-time writer of the Hulk, has stated Hulk absorbs ambient Gamma energy in the surrounding air for his mass and size. TOBA Hulk wants to annihilate all of the universes until everything is dark, dead, and empty as he is. If you want to check out more about TOBA Hulk and its powers, definitely reach out to The Immortal Hulk comic book released in 2018, written and developed by Al Ewing, Joe Bennet, Alex Ross, Kaare Andrews, Clayton Crain, and Sal Buscema. I howl through many mouths. Absorbed absorbed the power of Pandora's box which is explicitly stated to be. The One Below All Hulk, or simply TOBA Hulk, is an entity or a dark cosmic being that devoured Bruce Banner, who fell victim to the Gamma Bomb. Resistance to Matter Manipulation, unwilling teleportation, nuclear and radiation-based attacks, Highly resistant to. As it is also the dark alter-ego of the One Above All, it's nature is to be destructive and therefore, it is incapable of creating things only altering them or destroying them. Can force feed his energy into these machines at a rate too fast for them to handle, and they promptly overloaded and exploded (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #464). The Green Scar. The force of him transforming again is enough to shatter stone and glass (from Incredible Hulks #632). However, much like his physical strength, the Hulk's stamina does increase as he becomes angrier. The Hulk's first series was called The Incredible Hulk. Bruce died, but the Gamma Bomb had created a metaphysical barrier called the Green Door that connected Earth with the Below-Place, the bottom layer of the Multiverse. Fixit and Savage Hulk split into separate beings and rip Leader from The One Below All. *, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The Incredible Hulk (1966 animated series), The Incredible Hulk (1982 animated series), The Incredible Hulk (1996 animated series), Avengers: The Art of Marvel's The Avengers, Essential Incredible Hulk, Vol. Has a remarkable amount of control over his abilities. In the end, the member of the Gamma Flight, Puck and Absorbing Man, save the day by absorbing gamma energy from Brian and transferring it into Hulk, who uses his powers to disperse The One Below All and find its way to merge with Bruce. When the Hulk arrived at the Minotaur's office, Xemnu ambushed him and used his mind control to take control of him. The mystery intrigues me. Required fields are marked *. It took TOBA Hulk / Breaker of Worlds ten billion years to render the universe sterile and lifeless.Alien being Par%l tried to reason with TOBA but was met with defiance, TOBA eventually devoured Par%l. While unleashing himself, Hulk also kills/disintegrates an amped Fin Fang Foom, Arm'Chedon, Bi-Beast, Wendigo, all the Mindless Ones (a feat not even Dormammu nor Umar could accomplish), demons, goblins, trolls, monsters, Tyrannus, Amadeus Cho and Dr. Sofia Di Cosimo (This was also an indirect consequence in consonance with the secondary effect described above). Iron Man insists that he's pumped enough tranquilizer gas to "knock out Galactus" and even when combined with a strobe-light effect, Hulk resists it (from Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2). I devoured the selves that were here in a time long past. Devil hulk is vastly stronger than hulk was before (from Immortal hulk #7). Spectrum's prism (from Giant-Size Defenders Vol 1 #4). Somewhat ironically, he could be a destroyer without moving a muscle, since he charges up and emitting the radiation he absorbed by simply existing. His blood acts like sunlight, which burns out the vampire virus. Thankfully, Adam Warlock, Kang the Conqueror, Starfox, and Pip the Troll, were able to allow present Thanos to take control of his future's powers and reverted everything back prior to his future's machinations, seemingly restoring Above-All-Others back to normal. This is exactly what happened and everything (and everybody) on the scene at that time was pulled down to the Below Place, to face TOBA. The Hulk is able to use his highly developed leg muscles to leap great distances. This was later retconned into the official story line, as writers explained that inside the mind of theHulk was Bruce Banners very fractured mind, with several portions of his psyche vying for dominance, and this manifested itself with different colored hulks who had different skin tones, aswell different personalities and abilities(nice save). [28], Duality: The One Above All is the light aspect and the embodiment of love, creation and life. This means I may earn commissions on products bought via links on this page. He first appeared in May 1962 in thedebut issue of the incredible hulk #1, he was created by comic book industry titans, writer Stan Lee and the legendary artist Jack Kirby both of which made contributions to the creation of numerous golden and silver age of comics characters. The Hulk, however, managed to prove himself a hero when he became a part of the Avengers, the Defenders, S.M.A.S.H., S.H.I.E.L.D., and others. Mindlessness: The One Below All on its own is practically mindless and acts little more than a beast, acting to the One Above All in a similar fashion as the Hulk does to Bruce Banner. After the Surfer then raised the question of possible interference from cosmic entities such as the Tribunal or Eternity against their activities, the Goddess argued, "We serve the Supreme Will. Survived absorbing the power of Pandora's box, which is equal to 133.45 x Hercules maximum output while holding back (from Incredible Hulks #629). Most importantly, the empty future and destruction of the Multiverse are averted. Bruce blocked the memories of Brian's stay with him and his subsequent death, making himself believe that, as the two of them fought at Rebecca's grave, Brian had simply beat him and left, later being killed by muggers. Shatter asteroids twice the size of Earth into pieces with a single punch that he acquired an incredible 2 sextillion of force (from Marvel Comics Presents #52). I am all-powerful. Causes a lot of pain with a thunderclap (from World War Hulk: X-Men #1). Banner returns to Below Place after he dies and meets his father, Brian, who is waiting for him. [17][18] As the One Above All, it builds; as the One Below All, it breaks; and it breaks so that it could build anew. Way to even measure is strength! force of him World War Hulk: #. And 't is said his power is supreme in All the Multiverse as having a level physical! All of the power of Pandora 's box which is explicitly stated to be [ 14,... Highly developed leg muscles to leap great distances radiated roar driving into the testing area an... He gets angry enough, he developed a powerful Gamma Bomb love, and... In All the Multiverse mind blasts ( from Avengers Vol 3 # 40.. 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