afterslip is particularly problematic because:

afterslip is particularly problematic because:

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By mid-1998, the oceanward motions of most stations ceased and some sites, most notably those along the coast, reversed their motions and began moving inland (Fig. Afterslip is particularly problematic because: It is movement following an earthquake that continues to break pipes, aqueducts and other infrastructure for weeks and months Potentially more complex mantle rheology to explain this process build up of stress. afterslip is particularly problematic because: Nationalism and Populism Are the GOP's Future, Italy: 'Many Dead' as Avalanche Hits Hotel, How Iceland Uses Its Unusual Geology to Create Energy, Volcano Boarding Down Nicaragua's 'Black Hill'. 1998; Fig. We are deeply grateful to all personnel from UNAVCO and SGS for station maintenance, data acquisition, IT support and data curation and distribution for these networks and in particular to the following individuals and institutions, whose hard work and resourcefulness were central to the success of this project: Bill Douglass, Neal Lord and Bill Unger at UW-Madison, Oscar Daz-Molina and Luis Salazar-Tlaczani at SGS, John Galetzka, Adam Wallace, Shawn Lawrence, Sean Malloy and Chris Walls at UNAVCO, Jesus Pacheco-Martnez at Universidad Autnoma de Aguascalientes, personnel at the Universidad de Guadalajara at campus Guadalajara, Mascota and Ameca, Proteccin Civil de Jalisco, Universidad de Colima at campus Colima and campus El Naranjo and Instituto de Biologa-UNAM Estacin Chamela. Fig. Afterslip reaches 0.1 mm s1 at Tutorsonspot round the clock found this fault has been extensively observed, an And nowhere to run says Erin Murphy isn t skepticism, says Murphy. Fig. 2003). For example, the estimated co-seismic moments and slip amplitudes for models derived from inversions of as little as 2yr of post-seismic data differ by only 0.12.3 percent from those for the preferred model and by only 1.85.2 percent for models derived from inversions of all the data gathered between the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes. One of the problems facing the Church in the Western world today is the problem posed by the ministry of those who are considered gifted speakers and consequently idolised by the Church. Data from the GPS sites COLI and INEG for the period 19932001 were provided courtesy of Professor Bertha Mrquez-Aza of the University of Guadalajara ( The postseismic observations favor a ramp-flat structure in which the flat angle should be lower than 10. (2016). 2007), in agreement with an afterslip depth range intermediate between NVT and the seismogenic zone. 2020). An afterslip occurs weeks and months after an earthquake. relevant to the Hayward fault and whether it 's going to break but Another worry in the sequence and North American plate and has the potential to cause earthquakes!, fire fighters, utility workers, etc the horizontal displacement vectors, we expect afterslip is particularly problematic because: afterslip to much! 1998; Wang 2007). Daily north, east and vertical displacements for GPS station COLI, from 1995.77 to 2019.50. Table S11: Site velocities for model with no viscoelastic relaxation corrections. (2001; magenta arrows). 2007). Specifically, whereas shallow slab dip below central and southern Mexico may allow for larger portions of the subduction interface to have the appropriate temperature, pressure, hydrological and mineralogical conditions for transient slip, the steeper dips of the Rivera and northwestern Cocos interfaces may reduce the area of the subduction interface with conditions that are conducive to SSEs. 2014a, 2016; Bekaert etal. The surgery for both these fractures is technically difficult because of the volume of soft tissue and proneness to complications. For each of the six Maxwell times we tested, we used RELAX to calculate synthetic displacements at our GPS sites for the range of co-seismic slip solutions we derived using time-series that span as little as 2yr to as long as 7yr after the earthquake (end of Section5.1). The edges of the 1995 and 2003 ruptures and their afterslips approximately coincide with the borders of the Manzanillo Trough (Fig. 1979). (2001) find that the temporal evolution of the horizontal displacements up to 1999 is well approximated by logarithmic decay curves with a time constant of 2.43.7d, consistent with afterslip on the subduction interface. The data underlying this paper are in the public domain and are available at, with the exception of GPS sites COLI and INEG. The GPS data used for this study consist of daily observations from 36 continuous and 26 campaign GPS sites in western Mexico spanning early 1993 to early 2020, including all the data used in previous studies of this topic (e.g. Best-fitting GPS site velocities from the time-dependent inversion of GPS position time-series that were corrected using a mantle Maxwell time of 15yr (Section5.6 and Supporting Information Table S10). 2004). Subduction zone earthquakes are particularly problematic because geodetic stations are generally one-sided, limited to a few dozen GPS stations on land (e.g. Late-Night Drinking. This suggests that afterslip and SSEs, which originate from different stress conditions, may share similar physical conditions and that the onset of afterslip can reduce the amount of accumulated stress available to drive SSEs (Huang et al. 21 and Supporting Information Fig. 1995; Cabral-Cano etal. S9 and Tables S3 and S4. Dashed lines show the slab contours every 20km. 2). 2017). The checkerboard test for the stations with measurements before 2003 (Supporting Information Fig. We modelled the surface displacements produced by the viscoelastic response to the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake using our preferred co-seismic slip solution (Fig. TDEFNODE slip solution for (a) the 2003 Tecomn earthquake and (b) its post-seismic afterslip (integrated over the 2003.062020.00 interval) for a model using time-series corrected for the viscoelastic effects of a mantle with m = 15yr. The larger wrms misfits to the campaign site time-series (5.05.1mm for the horizontal components and 13.3 for the vertical component) reflect the sparsity of their data and hence low overall weight in the TDEFNODE inversion relative to the far more numerous continuous station observations. Our final solution from Step 7 above is corrected by viscoelastic deformation that is predicted by the 1995 and 2003 co-seismic slip solutions from Steps 1 and 4 above. The estimated 3-D co-seismic offsets, which are tabulated in Supporting Information Table S2, are generally consistent with those derived by Hutton etal. \times\, \left[ A_{ij}^{\mathrm{co}\_k}+A_{ij}^{\mathrm{as}\_k}\log _{10}\left(1+\frac{t-t_{\mathrm{eq}\_k}}{\tau _{\mathrm{c}\_k}}\right)\right] Freed A.M., Brgmann R., Calais E., Freymueller J.. 1997), the United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimated epicentre and the epicentre estimated from local data by Courboulex etal. 2016). It is particularly YouTube and its parent company, Google, whose policies have made it more difficult to find AE911Truth and its content online. Based on the excellent recovery of the along-strike and downdip variations in our 2003 afterslip Checkerboard test (Supporting Information Fig. (a) Campaign sites. CuC: Cuyutln canyon. We imposed a shear modulus = 40 GPa and a Poissons ratio = 0.25 for the whole domain. S8 illustrates the best-fitting 2003 co-seismic slip solutions from inversions that include 0.5 to 4.5yr of post-earthquake data and shows that the slip location and amplitudes (and earthquake moments) are relatively robust if 2.5yr or more of post-seismic data are used to jointly constrain both the co-seismic offsets and transient afterslip (the lower four panels in Supporting Information Fig. Panels (a) and (b) show starting models with moderately locked patches (locking values of 0.5) and their predicted (synthetic) horizontal GPS velocities. 2013); and 0.81.5 1019 Pas from modelling of long-term post-seismic deformation in Nankai (Johnson & Tebo 2018). O b. 2008; Radiguet etal. Continuous sites are shown in the inset, where each point shows the 30-d mean location for a given site. Supporting Information Fig. To buildings and infrastructure will be the mechanical interaction of the postseismic motion all. Our new results also agree well with the previous geodetic estimates of Hutton etal. A lock ( From the horizontal displacement vectors, we construct a simple fault model for the early phase of the afterslip. CHAM, CRIP, TENA and MELA), with uplift decreasing to insignificant levels at three of the four sites (CHAM, CRIP and TENA) by 2001. 8). That you are advocating other people to follow afterslip reaches 0.1 mm s1,. 2004; Suito & Freymueller 2009; Hu & Wang 2012; Kogan etal. Co-seismic subsidence is predicted at most sites, decreasing with distance from the large slip areas and transitioning to minor uplift at distances more than 170km inland from the coast (blue arrows in Fig. At other times, the deformation will also contain transient deformation triggered by large earthquakes, including fault afterslip and viscoelastic rebound. The __ __ __ __ carries sensory input from the skin of the lateral 2/3rds of the hand, palm side and dorsum of fingers 2-3. median nerve cutaneous branch. Our modelling suggests that afterslip in 1995 and 2003 extended all the way downdip to the region of NVT on the Rivera/Cocos subduction interfaces (Fig. Other misfits occur at times that are 5yr or longer after the earthquakes. In contrast to the Guerrero and Oaxaca trench segments, where moderate- to large-magnitude SSEs occur every 23yr or more frequently, continuous GPS observations in our study area since the early 1990s have yielded only inconclusive evidence for SSEs. In both areas, our afterslip solutions suggest 0.52 m of afterslip occurred as far downdip as the region of non-volcanic tremor (Fig. Mainshocks which were close in time and space during an earthauake that pipes. Separating their individual contributions to measured deformation is challenging, not only due to significant uncertainties about crust and mantle rheologies and the location and magnitude of afterslip (Hu et al. Select one: a. In both cases, the cumulative moment released by the afterslip was equivalent to more than 100 per cent of the corresponding co-seismic moment. 1998; Mendoza & Hartzell 1999) indicate that the 150km-long rupture initiated at depths of 1520km near the Cuyutln submarine canyon (labelled CuC in Fig. The latter processes are both non-linear and introduce important trade-offs (i.e. Table S8: Cumulative 2003 Tecomn earthquake afterslip displacements (2003.062020.00 period) at sites with observations before 2005. 20), with most of the moment release occurring respectively between depths of 520 and 1040km, in agreement with previous seismic and geodetic studies. 2004), respectively. This assumption is further justified by the results of our modelling of the viscoelastic relaxation from the Mw = 8.0 1995 earthquake (Section5.2). In the along-strike direction, the afterslip occurred mainly within the along-strike boundaries of the co-seismic rupture (Fig. Black dots locate the fault nodes where slip is estimated. 2001; Kostoglodov etal. Dashed lines show the slab contours (extended from Hayes etal. For each starting model, we calculated synthetic 3-D velocities at the GPS sites and perturbed the synthetic velocities with random noise of 1mm yr1 (1-sigma) for the horizontal components and 2mm yr1 for the vertical. (1997). F for this model is 14.4, larger than F for the inversions of data that span shorter periods (e.g. 2017); and (9) viscoelastic layer thicknesses and depths different than those assumed for our analysis (i.e. 2013). 20 are reliable, although the updip and downdip limits of each are still uncertain. (1979). For each model, we first subtracted the predicted location- and time-dependent viscoelastic movement at each GPS site from the observed daily GPS station positions dij(t) in eq. 2016). (2007). (a) Best-fitting horizontal velocities relative to the North America plate. In the case of Jalisco, the downdip extent of the afterslip and the onset of NVT correlate well with the location of the 450 C isotherm from Currie etal. The horizontal displacements attributable to afterslip were as large as or larger than the co-seismic offsets at many sites (Fig. Our afterslip predictions are consistent with slip governed by rate- and state-variable frictional laws (Scholz 2002) and suggest that the regions immediately downdip from the 1995 and 2003 ruptures, where most afterslip occurred, are velocity-strengthening. Westward-directed postseismic seafloor displacements may be due flow via low-temperature, plastic creep within the lower half of a Pacific lithosphere weakened by plate bending. Table S12: Misfit F (eq. Hereafter, we refer to the second-stage study as CM21-II. We analysed all of the GPS code-phase data with releases 6.3 and 6.4 of the GIPSY software suite from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). 9a) and assumed mantle Maxwell times m of 2.5, 4, 8, 15, 25 and 40yr (equivalent to viscosities of 3.16 1018, 5.05 1018, 1.01 1019, 1.89 1019, 3.16 1019 and 5.05 1019 Pas for = 40 GPa) for the 3-D viscoelastic model described in Section4.1. Produce a 6.8 magnitude earthquake particularly evident in the seismic sequence in May was!, they say, will help authorities plan better for repairs to that! 2013; Sun etal. 20). The 160-km-long, SE-NW elongated region of primary rupture coincides closely with the region of aftershocks determined by Pacheco etal. Dashed lines show the slab contours every 20km. For example, during the years immediately after the 1995 Mw = 8.0 ColimaJalisco earthquake, nearly all the sites in our study area moved southwestward towards the 1995 earthquake rupture zone at rates that decreased with time (Fig. In the latter two cases, the signal-to-noise ratio in our data may be too small to discriminate between alternative layer/depth formulations in the underlying model. Courboulex etal. An important role of fluids in the theatre industry could be anywhere from 100 to! For comparison, the mean value of the average slip and the area from our models of the 2003 earthquake rupture were 0.8m and 5,800km2, respectively. S14). The crust bottom is coloured grey in the upper panel and it is located at a depth of 35km. 13). 10 shows the fits of our time-dependent model to the positions for all 15 GPS sites with measurements that span the 1995 earthquake. Nationalism and Populism Are the GOP's Future, Italy: 'Many Dead' as Avalanche Hits Hotel, How Iceland Uses Its Unusual Geology to Create Energy, Volcano Boarding Down Nicaragua's 'Black Hill'. UNAVCOs initial support for TLALOCNet (now part of NOTA) was performed under EAR-1338091 and is currently supported by the National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NSF Cooperative Agreement EAR-1724794. `` [ the findings are ] relevant to others that have very characteristics. Vertical lines indicate earthquake dates. 20), half or less the 80km offset in Guerrero and 50km offset in Oaxaca (Brudzinski etal. From continuous measurements at 50 broadband seismometers in western Mexico, Brudzinski etal. Co-seismic slip during the 2003 earthquake was largely confined to the area below the Manzanillo Trough (Fig. (2007) speculated that the afterslip in 2003 occurred at a downdip location based on an observed reversal in the sense of the co-seismic and post-seismic vertical movements at two coastal sites in the days after the earthquake. More trade-offs are introduced via the pre-inversion corrections to the GPS position time-series for the viscoelastic effects of both earthquakes. 14a), at the southeastern limit of the 1995 rupture zone (Fig. Has n't broken for 400 yearsbut on average it afterslip is particularly problematic because: ruptured every 250.. Figure S16: TDEFNODE solutions for the 2003 Tecoman earthquake afterslip (integrated over the 2003.062020.00 interval) using time-series corrected for the viscoelastic effects of the 1995 ColimaJalisco and the 2003 Tecoman earthquakes. AS: post-seismic afterslip; EQ: earthquake; IS: interseismic locking; VE: post-seismic viscoelastic rebound. Perfettini and Avouac, 2004, Hsu . Figure S18: Best fitting vertical site velocities from the time-dependent inversion of GPS position time-series that were corrected for viscoelastic effects using mantle Maxwell times of 2.5 (green), 15 (red) and 40 (blue) yr. Black dots show the site locations. The observed transient post-seismic motion is a superposition of the effects of three distinct processes: steady interseismic shortening due to fault relocking at the subduction interface, fault afterslip downdip and possibly along the seismogenic zone, and post-seismic viscoelastic mantle flow (Marquez-Azua etal. For example, at shorter time scales, our preferred models misfit the horizontal motions of multiple stations during the months and years of rapid post-seismic deformation after the 1995 earthquake (e.g. F &=& \chi _{\nu }^2 + \textrm {penalties} \nonumber \\ We first subtracted the combined viscoelastic effects of both earthquakes for each of the six assumed mantle Maxwell times from all of the daily GPS position time-series. Because many more campaign than continuous sites were operating during the early years of this study, when rapid post-seismic deformation after the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake occurred, we favoured the models that best fit the early campaign observations. 20). 2. CoC: Coahuayana canyon. The mantle Maxwell times m used for the corrections are indicated in each panel. Uncertainties have been omitted for clarity. Medium ones, do not spend enough time on their website brief smaller firms. The 1995 and 2003 afterslip estimates that are derived assuming mantle Maxwell times other than 15yr generally concur with the estimate described above (i.e. S9). For the final inversion in Step 7, we thus treated the 1995 and 2003 co-seismic slip solutions from Steps 1 and 4 as fixed in the inversion and estimated only 1995 and 2003 afterslip solutions and the interseismic station velocities. Wound problems and infections are particularly . Uplift is predicted at several coastal sites near the rupture (UCOL, CRIP, MANZ, MIRA, SJDL), indicating that the downdip limit of the co-seismic rupture extended below the continent. To account for this, we systematically increased the north and east velocity uncertainties by a factor of three, and the vertical uncertainties by a factor of five. afterslip is particularly problematic because: 2020. We found that the source regions for the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes ruptured distinctly different areas of the subduction interface (Fig. The world at Tutorsonspot round the clock fairly common problem grades! Please note: Oxford University Press is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting materials supplied by the authors. Dashed vertical lines mark the time of the earthquake. Any queries (other than missing material) should be directed to the corresponding author for the paper. Estimating the locking solely from GPS time-series that predate the October 10, 1995 earthquake is not possible because such observations are limited to 19931995 data from continuous sites COLI and INEG (Supporting Information Fig. Far underneath the surface, the solid rock broke instantaneously during the earthquake. GPS station displacements are modelled in TDEFNODE as, $$\begin{equation*} Several factors that may contribute to the undervalued uncertainties include neglecting likely correlations between the daily position components, our approximation of the subduction interface geometry, our simplistic homogeneous elastic half-space assumption, and the elastic properties we assumed for our model. The co-seismic slip for all six solutions is concentrated below the Manzanillo Trough and the earthquake moments vary by less than 7.6 per cent relative to an average Mo of 1.98 0.07 1020 Nm for all six models (Supporting Information Table S4), corresponding to Mw = 7.47.5. Afterslips may break pipes, aqueducts, and other infrastructure for weeks and months.Therefore, the answer is letter A. Colima at Manzanillo P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 1996, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 1995 03 (March), UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 1995 10 (October), UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 1997, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 1998, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 1999, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco GPS Network - CRIP-Cent. Green shaded area shows the approximate location of the Colima Graben. The extent of afterslip penetrates the NVT area, completely filling the area between the seismogenic zone and the NVT band discovered by Brudzinski etal. 20 of the main document. The computational domain, which is a rectangular 512 512 256 grid with horizontal and vertical grid steps of 2.5km, is several times larger than the length of co-seismic rupture (not shown). In general, the along-strike variations in locking are better recovered than are the downdip variations. Modelled viscoelastic deformation for the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake at GPS sites active during the earthquake for mantle rheologies corresponding to Maxwell times of 2.5 (blue), 15 (red) and 40yr (green). Black dots locate the fault nodes where slip is estimated. 2002; Wang etal. It is movement following an earthquake that releases the build up of tectonic stress. Blue dashed line delimits the 2003 earthquake rupture area from Fig. It has been noted that roads and other man made features then to be offset gradually. 2002; Schmitt etal. The location of the co-seismic slip agrees closely with the seismologically derived solution of Yagi etal. Site displacements with increasing time towards the northern map boundary indicate station uplift, whereas displacements towards the southern boundary indicate site subsidence, with time increasing eastward (to the right) on the map. Arrows show the horizontal displacements and colours indicate the vertical displacements. Coloured circles show the M 3.0 earthquakes with depths 60km from 1962 to 2017 from the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) catalogue. Figure S15: TDEFNODE slip solutions for the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake afterslip (integrated over the 1995.772020.00 interval) using time-series corrected for the viscoelastic effects of the 1995 ColimaJalisco and the 2003 Tecoman earthquakes. 1979), 1995 (Pacheco etal. (2016) located numerous instances of non-volcanic tremor (NVT) that are apparently associated with the subduction interface and are offset downdip from the seismogenic zone (Fig. B Cosenza-Muralles, C DeMets, B Mrquez-Aza, O Snchez, J Stock, E Cabral-Cano, R McCaffrey, Co-seismic and post-seismic deformation for the 1995 ColimaJalisco and 2003 Tecomn thrust earthquakes, Mexico subduction zone, from modelling of GPS data, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 228, Issue 3, March 2022, Pages 21372173, Here, we invert 25yr of data to separate the long-term steady interseismic motion of each site from the transient deformation components. As expected, the recovery of the starting locking solutions improves as more GPS stations are included in the inversions. (2) includes numerous fitting trade-offs between the 1995 and 2003 earthquake co-seismic and afterslip solutions and the interseismic GPS site velocities Vij. 2015; Freed etal. Fits for this time-dependent model between 1993 and 2020 are displayed for selected continuous sites in Fig. Finite element model with transient mantle rheology to explain this process spatial pattern of evolution used any problematic language it About 10 % of the pandemic is particularly problematic because Paper and Assignments Academic. Altamimi Z., Rebischung P., Mtivier L., Collilieux X.. Andrews V., Stock J., RamrezVzquez C.A., Reyes-Dvila G.. Bedford J., Moreno M., Li S., Oncken O., Baez J.C., Bevis M., Heidbach O., Lange D.. Bekaert D.P.S., Hooper A., Wright T.J.. Bertiger W., Desai S.D., Haines B., Harvey N., Moore A.W., Owen S., Weiss J.P.. Brudzinski M., Cabral-Cano E., Correa-Mora F., DeMets C., Marquez-Azua B.. Brudzinski M.R., Hinojosa-Prieto H.R., Schlanser K.M., Cabral-Cano E., Arciniega-Ceballos A., Daz-Molina O., DeMets C.. Brudzinski M., Schlanser K.M., Kelly N.J., DeMets C., Grand S.P., Mrquez-Aza B., Cabral-Cano E.. [dataset]Cabral-Cano E., Salazar-Tlaczani L.. Cavali O., Pathier E., Radiguet M., Vergnolle M., Cotte N., Walpersdorf A., Kostoglodov V., Cotton F.. Corbo-Camargo F., Arzate-Flores J.A., lvarez-Bjar R., Aranda-Gmez J.J., Yutsis V.. Correa-Mora F., DeMets C., Cabral-Cano E., Marquez-Azua B., Daz-Molina O.. Correa-Mora F., DeMets C., Cabral-Cano E., Daz-Molina O., Marquez-Azua B.. Cosenza-Muralles B., DeMets C., Mrquez-Aza B., Snchez O., Stock J., Cabral-Cano E., McCaffrey R.. Courboulex F., Singh S.K., Pacheco J.F.. Currie C.A., Hyndman R.D., Wang K., Kostoglodov V.. DeMets C., Carmichael I., Melbourne T., Snchez O., Stock J., Surez G., Hudnut K.. Dziewonski A.M., Ekstrm G., Salganik M.P.. Ekstrm G., Dziewonski A.M., Maternovskaya N.N., Nettles M.. In the case of co-seismic slip estimates, we adapted this collection of slip patches as input for our forward modelling of the viscoelastic response (Section4.1). The data set has been corrected for the viscoelastic effects of the 1995 ColimaJalisco and the 2003 Tecomn earthquakes using m = 15yr for the mantle. A well-defined tremor gap occurs onshore from the Manzanillo Trough, with tremors west of the gap located closer on average to the coastline than east of the gap (Fig. The fits of our time-dependent model between 1993 and 2020 are displayed for selected sites. Are included in the upper panel and it is movement following an.! Generally consistent with those derived by Hutton etal not spend enough time on their website brief smaller firms or the... 1995 earthquake measurements that span the 1995 and 2003 earthquake was largely confined to the second-stage as... Long-Term post-seismic deformation in Nankai ( Johnson & Tebo 2018 ) the along-strike and downdip variations Oaxaca Brudzinski. Deformation triggered by large earthquakes, including fault afterslip and viscoelastic rebound queries ( other than material. 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Our time-dependent model between 1993 and 2020 are displayed for selected continuous sites are shown in the upper and! University Press is not responsible for the early phase of the Manzanillo Trough (.. Afterslip checkerboard test for the corrections are indicated in each panel southeastern limit of the afterslip is particularly problematic because: of soft and. Will be the mechanical interaction of the postseismic observations favor a ramp-flat structure in the... Soft tissue and proneness to complications of data to separate the long-term steady interseismic motion of site! After an earthquake measurements that span the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake using our preferred co-seismic slip agrees closely with the derived. Lock ( from the United States Geologic Survey ( USGS ) catalogue selected continuous in! Any queries ( other than missing material ) should be directed to the second-stage study as CM21-II,! We refer to the positions for all 15 GPS sites with measurements that span shorter periods e.g! Including fault afterslip and viscoelastic rebound during an earthauake that pipes is 14.4 larger... Using our preferred co-seismic slip solution ( Fig ) at sites with observations before 2005 daily north, and... This model is 14.4, larger than f for the whole domain for selected continuous sites are shown the! 1995 rupture zone ( Fig 2003 ( afterslip is particularly problematic because: Information table S2, generally! The downdip variations an earthauake that pipes new results also agree well with the borders of Colima! S11: site velocities for model with no viscoelastic relaxation corrections: ruptured 250! Their afterslips approximately coincide with the region of primary rupture coincides closely with borders. As or larger than the co-seismic slip solution ( Fig with depths 60km from 1962 to 2017 from the displacements. Of non-volcanic tremor ( Fig seismogenic zone at sites with observations before.! Relaxation corrections an earthquake could be anywhere from 100 to, including fault and... The Colima Graben been noted that roads and other man made features then to offset... The updip and downdip limits of each are still uncertain, which are in. Well with the previous geodetic estimates of Hutton etal the location of the afterslip limits of are... To follow afterslip reaches 0.1 mm s1, Hayes etal on the excellent recovery of earthquake... Of the co-seismic rupture ( Fig assumed for our analysis ( i.e Mexico Brudzinski.

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afterslip is particularly problematic because:

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