supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury

supergirl fanfiction alex knee injury

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A small vent near the ceiling clicks on, and the faint whirring of a ventilation unit envelopes the room. To Alex, and Jonn, and Nia, and Lena. She had thought she would be a hero if she accomplished it. Well, you better start digging then. Lena nods respectively and Alex sips her wine. Talk to us about what? Nia and Brainy walk in, all smiles with seeing the sisters together. Now, all we can do is trust her.. It feelts right, doesnt it?. Why would I do that?, She tilts her head curiously. I cant remember I dont know, she whispers, voice growing small as the fear creeps in. Her legs shift under the blankets and her arms stiffen. Kara had still betrayed her, but Lena so desperately wanted to be in her life, and she knew that Lex working with Leviathan could pose an enormous threat to the Super. Theyre a demand. Ooh, I like this Kara. Kate and Barry approach her slowly, taking her in. Show yourself! she demands from the darkness. Is she okay? She plunges her fists into chests, tearing out hearts that give their last beat in her hands. Watch her. I dont Kara mumbles, her other hand coming to the side of her head. Her golden curls are now soaked and dyed red from the storm of blood she caused. So Ive come up with an idea.. James had come in from outside the city, desperately trying to get Kara to remember him by showing her an album of photos he had shot of Supergirl. Thats kind of the reason I called. Well since you know my name shouldnt I know yours? she asks with a lift of her eyebrow. Kara turns around, looking back at them. Pleasure doing business with you.She glances at Kara, then turns and makes her exit. And something doesnt feel right about this.. The pressure brusied her skin, and her hair is stiff against her head. She forces them, vision blurring together. Kara freezes. Her foster mother. Supergirl doesnt kill! Alex shouts after her. Deep in the basement of the DEO, Lex sits at his desk in his lab, going over papers and files and documents and recipes. Isnt that your own oath?, It was. Ive managed to keep tabs on all his future plans. Who are you?, He smiles, backing away toward the door. The heroes were outnumbered, and there wasnt anything they could do about it. Well, forgive me if that analysis still doesnt give me hope, Alex snips, walking away. Youre awake. She takes in the image of sickly skin and bones in front of her, the wounded mess of a hero. Or me. Rated PG-13 Zangief, Solid Wheel and Gamer Artisan were chilling out in the ultra-luxurious rec room. How to make certain weapons, algorithms, Ive read his journals. December 02, 2016. She is left alone, nude and bleeding, the brick of Kryptonite making her skin pulse with pain. Thou shall not kill has dropped the not, and she will do everything in her power to get her city back. Lena laughs slightly, overwhelmed at her sentence. Luthor, as in L-Corp, Kara concludes. Her face is painted with the insides of his soldiers, and it drips off her nose and eyelashes. But this, with Kara, she feels utterly helpless. She had never seen her so terrified. Shes practically working for him., I agree, Brainy nods, giving Nia a longing glance. Petrified by this new villain in front of them. He slaps the newspaper down in the middle for all of them to see. She presses close to her, mouth to her ear as she whispers. I thought I lost you in the beginning there.. Hes brought Kate with him, who jogs toward Alex nervously. A white room, tile on the floor and a drain in the center. He wanted us to know it was him, Alex breathes. Im glad your sense of humor wasnt lost along with your memories., Lena smirks, closing her eyes. A face dangles over her head. Lex had taken over the country. But it was her only choice. About them. See if shell remember something., You mean find him on foot? Alex nods uneasily. Things could go back to the way things were, but be better. Now, she's down to one. He smiles, dispersing the crumbling earth back to the ground. Hey, Kara. Alex still cant believe that someone as amazing as Maggie loves her. She breathes in and out unevenly, wheezing in between bouts of sniffles. Lena, Alex glances to Kara. Supergirl is trying to use Lenas magic to capture Lex but she has barely any experience or training. She isnt a necessity anymore., Maybe. Alex Karev. The lamps above your bed were red to limit your abilities. It needs to be me. I thought you guys were Alex trails off, bumping her fists together. This wasnt how their reunion was supposed to go. Awaiting doctors move her to a bed and immediately apply wires and machines to her head, face, and chest. Kara hums, looking out at Gotham through the windows. On the front page was the headline Kiss of Death, an image of Lex giving mouth-to-mouth to Kara. Slowly, Alex turns to Nia. I am Kara. She screamed her name. They need to be here., Brainy nods hesitantly, growing cautious. Lena is amazed at the vastness of the secret government agency, but Kara doesnt have the heart to tell her that shes been here before. The weight of their arguments, and truths, and hate. As in with the cape? She doesnt remember, Alex. She could feel her heart beat in her chest, its pace a painful thrum. We face enemies that no one on this planet has the courage to." Alex Danvers to J'onn J'onzz[src] Dr. Alexandra "Alex" Danvers (born 1989) is a bio-engineer and former . She raises to her knees, peeling off her leather jacket and wrapping it around Kara. She wails and grits, her hands clamping around the leather fabric of Alexs suit. Wrong Earth., Kara nods. She clears her throat and steps forward, sitting in the little chair beside Karas bed. Lenas brows come together and she follows Alexs gaze upwards. Sister.. Im assuming its little Dreamer. In a driving motion, he slices down. You will, though. Who are you? Yeah, I saw. I think Im done trying with her.. She shakes her head. Alex catches Lena falling out of the infirmary, hand on her chest as tears stream from her eyes. Run into any troubles lately?. Im surprised you didnt call sooner., Wanted to give you the chance to play with them.. It was bliss. As well as that bratty son of hers., What do you want from here? She was kidnapped a few hours ago. Maybe this wasnt as bad as she thought. No, Alex. The DEO. I dont know why we dont just go. The sisterless sisters. Ive brought some people whod like to see you, Alex announces, standing at the foot of the bed. Its gone. Oh, and dont give me some heroic pep talk about killing or living with myself. Perhaps it was a threat that hasnt presented itself, a possible enemy that they havent experienced. You began working on a weapon and didnt tell her. Kara leans against the wall of the room, huddled in the corner. And what might our connection be? she asks, staring at him curiously. In the middle ofSingin in the Rain, a news alert interrupts Gene Kellys performance. Feeling out of place, she stood with the intent to leave, until she heard groaning. Weve met, actually, Kara remembers, recalling his toned stomach when they went searching for Bruce. I will start-, No, Alex interrupts, cutting him off. When I came across your name on the realty papers I knew I had a shot. Is that possible? she asks. I know. That was someone else., Alex swallows the lump in her throat. You cant come for me. Hell never be able to make them again!. The heroes collect themselves and face them, tilting their heads at this new member. She gasps, eyes wide with fear, and he pushes his thumb on the pump. That Lena gestures behind her. And he hated that it was happening to Kara. He smashes down on her symbol once, twice, three times but to no avail. So she can finish him off once and for all. Who she is. The main goal on her mind is to keep her sanity. Luke leans toward her, not sure if her heard correctly. We can tie a bell to the cats neck, says a younger mouse. Groggy eyes try to open, but eyelids are heavy. After thirty beats, he tilts her head back and plugs her nose, pressing his mouth to hers and breathing his air into her. Alex leads her to the infirmary, allowing Lena to enter alone. Her eyes strain against the light, not wanting to open fully at the harshness of the bulbs. He smiles, waves, and Brainy turns the tablet back to him. She nods slowly, diverting her gaze to the doors of her office. They can move faster and go undetected.. He wants to check on her, make sure shes alright, but Kara is looking at him like hes about to reveal something extraordinary. Hes brought some equipment from the ship he seems to think might help. That doesnt matter! She was at CatCo, and when her phone rang with an unknown caller ID, she excused herself to the balcony. Everyone in the room sees it, and they all hold their breaths. We are in dire need of your help.. He touches a hand to his face and finds that its true. It hurt her team to have to watch it again, and it scared the heroes that came to help to see Supergirl in that much pain. Youre right, Alex. People are finally speaking out about him.. We had a deal. Barry turns his head and watches her go. Barry is the first one to arrive. Im sorry, excuse me, she breathes, slipping out of the room in a gasp. Yes. Kara had been counting the minutes she was suffering in the freezing prison. Still, as much as she tells herself that, it doesnt make her feel any better. Kara stands, returning the stool to where she found it. There was a way it could be fixed. He swallows again, clearing his throat. Rama Khan stands mightily, staff raised above him as a cloud of earth swirls. Okay, so we go and get her. What is it? Where are we?, L-Corp. He breathes into her again and after he sits back on his heels, giving her body a rest from his compressions. It just means Ill have to see it for myself.. Hes working with Leviathan., We highly suspected, Kara corrects. They were ready to fight. Its too dangerous for you out there now. Good. She storms forward, reaching out and gripping necks and ripping out throats. She taught her how to have hope. She doesnt want Lenas memories to return. Whats the easiest way to do that? Alice., I hope you dont mind. If you didnt send your army I wouldve been right on time. It slides open and she takes Lena in. And what are you doing here, exactly? To avert a disaster, Kara Danvers reveals her powers and true identity: She is Superman's cousin, now known as Supergirl, protector of National City. The entire city showed up for her funeral. How could I be so selfish?, Hey, dont beat yourself up, Kate consoles, knowing what this woman means to Kara. *The stand-in for you, (the reader), is a nameless gender-neutral self-insert, and the story is written in a first-person POV using "I" and [Your/Name] when referring to the reader. It worked. Alex wasnt sure what had changed. Alex and her team had been brainstorming possible events or reasons as to how this had happened to her. He leans her against her desk where she slouches, eyes still closed. I need you to recalibrate the lamps to disperse red sun energy instead of yellow sun. Maybe its for the person she once was, or for how her presence has literally torn this man apart. They havent talked about it since it happened, but during Karas arrest the soldiers killed three civilians trying to capture her. Just why bother now? Lena Luthor She looks over to Kara. I was not expecting this.. Supergirl is right, a measured voice from the doorway says. Kara. Lex groans, picking her up under the arms and hauling her to her feet. If strangers were telling him that they were his wife, his best friend, his loved one? Ill wait for you outside.. I dont need to be judged, or fixed., Kara sighs, nodding. Thats all we know. She looks into the eyes of a concerned Nia and Jonn, tears welling in her eyes. We need to dampen her powers enough to where they are manageable., Brainys eyes narrow slightly. Welcome to the team.. Kara! Her sister doesnt turn around, fueled by anger and a thirst for revenge. Shes lost, Alex explains, not able to look them in the eyes. Shes still bandaged, scraped and cut from the limited exposure to the yellow sun lamps that didnt fully heal her wounds. There doesnt seem to be any light at the end of this tunnel. He wasnt optimistic just yet. He had been trying to put himself in her shoes. Doors are kicked open, metal screeches on metal, and all at once her door bursts with a heavy booted foot. He stands in his own protective suit, Kryptonite weapons at the ready. Lena queda "flechada" de Kara pero Kara se niega a tener alguna relacin con algn Alfa, Omega o Beta. Aside from that, the only serious injury she obtained was the abdominal incision, which was then cauterized. Brainy looks up at her. Qu pasar entre Kara y Lena? I came as soon as I could get away from work., Were managing, but havent gotten anywhere. But she should know better than to think Leviathan would show her mercy. Youve been nothing but kind-, You dont know me, Lena. Kissing ensues. The world could start over. Alex started her wedding planning with two bridesmaids. But Cadmus always proved her wrong when she thought it, and the way this room is designed was not for the good guys. Ive barely been doing it a year and Ive hardly managed to keep up. Everyone stares in concern and excitement as she tears it open, but their faces fall when she pulls out the product. All mistakes are mine, and I apologize in advance for them. You need to be hopeful she can bring her back.. We kill as many as we can now, and if we lose so does he!. There she is. Lena not remembering her, her office wiped clean of papers, the hard drive on her computer swept. But it would be a hell of a lot easier if I just had my memories back., He smiles. A world where she doesnt have to live a life with the burden of saving everyone alone. Kane, Im not sure what Ms. Danvers has told you about me. She cries, beginning to sweat in the hot room, blaming herself for not coming to get her sooner. The familiar face of a friend smiles at her through the glass and Kate smiles back, standing hurriedly and opening the door to her balcony. Speaking of memories. I should say the same to you.. But if we cant get her to remember anything soon, Im not sure I will be., Lena, Kate, James, Barry. They both come to this realization, knowing now more than ever they will need each other. But here, you can let loose., So what are my abilities? First freezing water for a prolonged period of time, now the infusion of cold air into a sealed room. Don't like it then don't read it. If not for me, you wouldnt have turned into a killer. Except its not, Alex says, pouring the wine. Supergirl glorious, Batwoman proud, Flash grinning, the rest of the heroes surrounding them victorious. Then a knock at her door startles them. She shifts in her bed, sick of sitting for the past several hours. She wouldnt cry. He wants her so badly to come back. I shouldve been working on a suit months ago, Lena scolds, putting her head in her hands. Im sorry.. But if we do defeat them before we get her, Kara could still be alive., Alex ceases, turning to Kelly and grabbing her by the shoulders. The Tower was getting the most traffic it had ever seen. Nia works her dreams to send them into a peaceful sleep. Forgive?, She pretended to be my best friend and lied to my face. The Crows. She pauses before she says the next name. In the center are three large cement blocks stacked on top of one another. She can hardly call herself a hero., Youre wrong about that, Lex. And Im sure she knows that. See if you can do anything to jog her memory. And who are you? It was strange to have your sibling with you, physically present in the world, but mentally gone. In the end, Alex and Lena slipped away once Kara was situated on the couch in front of her TV, a lineup of musicals in her queue. Does she tell her the truth? Which makes her weak, weaker than a regular human being, even. And Supergirl are you sure youre alright?. Joe and Wally have a few tears as well. I dont know, because thats what people have been doing all day?, I already know you dont remember. I mean we were. That's all it was, after all, the past. They had watched helplessly as live footage from onlookers and pedestrians was played on screen, watched as their loved one was impaled, then sucked into the depths. Without her he would have been nothing. Betrayed. Mgann speaks up for them. But shes not, Kara! Who anyone is. In secret, they also let them know that when they felt ready, the heroes would be prepared for whatever plan they came up with to rid Lex of his position. She attempts to stand from her seated position, but shackes on her ankles and wrists prevent her from moving. How are you doing? Rama Khan returned, Supergirl and Nia took him down and the DEO had him in custody, but that was his plan all along. Safety. Read to find out what happens next. He sits on the couch, then slowly looks into the cameras lens. No longer AC. Kara lied to protect you. Not really. That without memories, the world could start over. Youll always have me, and Barry, and the rest of the heroes. I should get going. Everyone lies to protect everyone. Ive come to do a little digging. Her mind is blank. And then she hears the vent click off, the mechanical whirring dying out. He stays silent beside her and Kara looks up at him defeated. "Is she injured?" Kara tilts her head. Ms. What? Okay. The ceiling turns on again, but instead of the chilling water as before, its a scalding rain. I can feel it. Even if she wished she didnt., Lena leans back into her bed, eyes on the ceiling taking all of Karas words in. If it were her, she never would have said that statement. Who knew that your childhood fantasies would become a reality when you reincarnated as powerful Saiyan reborn on the Planet Vegeta. Makes her weak, weaker than a regular human being, even know you dont know, she pretended be... Face, and Brainy turns the tablet back to him No, Alex interrupts cutting... Rang with an unknown caller ID, she feels utterly helpless with them clamping around leather! And hate and excitement as she tears it open, metal screeches metal... Face, and Brainy turns the tablet back to him to open fully at the harshness the... 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