Mental Health important during COVID-19: What can be done

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The threat presented by the coronavirus has undoubtedly impacted heavily on the health and wellbeing of infected individuals worldwide. Beyond what meets the eye are also the underlying issues in the form of mental health and wellness. Covid-19 has engulfed most of the year 2020 and has restricted people within boundaries more so than what they have been used to. The ‘new normal’ as it has been cited across media channels has not been an easy reality for many to get accustomed to. Prolonged uncertainty and rampant spread of the coronavirus has incited stress, anxiety, panic and agitation in both health care providers and covid-19 patients.

Writing for the Journal of Lumbini Medical College Medical Officers Bijaya Karki and Aabishkar Bhattarai have stated that while encountering stress and anxiety is common during pandemics, “perception of fear, anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, self-harm and suicidality and post-traumatic stress disorder are increasing” in the current times.

The World Health Organization had warned earlier in March that the disappearing lines between personal and professional life, the stigma associated towards patients infected with the virus and limited interactions with family and friends would put a considerable strain on a person’s mental health. They issued messages for the general populace to follow, and they stressed on the importance of following credible news to lower anxieties and to acknowledge, and explore avenues to share and understand the experiences of local people who have recovered from the virus.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, here are some of the ways one can further alleviate high stress levels during these unprecedented times.

  1. Educate yourself about Covid-19 from credible sources and be updated about the institutions and agencies active in the field, so that in the case of infection you are able to access these resources in time.
  2. Understand the importance of mental health. People with pre-existing mental health conditions require specialized care and fall particularly vulnerable in the present situation. It is significant for them and others when anxiety starts to affect the daily life to seek the help of certified and trained councilors.
  3. Try to disengage yourself from constantly checking the updated news reports, which can prove to be very upsetting and give yourself a much needed break by taking care of your body and mind.
  4. Fit a routine into your daily life by exercising, meditating, eating meals of nutritional value, and getting a good night’s sleep. Additionally, find activities that you enjoy doing and try to make time for them on your schedule
  5.  Try to connect with people who are close to you, your community institutions or faith-based institutions from where you may achieve a sense of peace and security, through social media, phones or e-mails.
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