India claims to have made gains in border dispute with China

Amidst increasing border tensions between India and China, India has claimed to be strategically ahead by capturing six hill points. According to India Today, officials say that the Indian Army has been successful in capturing six hill points in the last twenty days.
The Indian side says to have captured six hills namely- Magar Hill, Gurung Hill, Rezang La, Rachana La, Mokhpari and a peak on the Finger 4 ridgeline – the biggest peak among the six.
On June 15, twenty Indian soldiers were killed in a face-off between Indian and Chinese troops. This is said to be the most dangerous face-off between the two countries in 45 years.
As border tensions are increasing between the two states, talks have begun at the political level. Foreign ministers of both the nations have met at Moscow for discussion on the topic.
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