Poisoned letter sent to US President Trump

Earlier this week, a letter containing a small packet of poisonous substance that was addressed to.US President Trump was caught at the final screening facility for White House mail.
After performing a test, the The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) identified the poisonous substance to be Ricin. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Ricin is a lethal poison extracted from castor beans which when enters the body causes nausea and vomiting followed by internal bleeding and organ failure. The person dies within 72 hours of exposure, as no known antidote exists.
The New York Times reported that a woman from Canada has been identified as a suspect. The newspaper also mentioned that similar poison containing packages were sent to local law enforcement offices in Texas.
According to BBC, the FBI and the Secret Service are investigating in which The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is also giving hand.
The Guardian said that the strategy of sending poisoned letters is a plot of cheap and pulp thrillers. Many criminals have already been arrested in the past for sending ricin packages to the White House and other federal buildings.
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