Trump returns to White House, still infectious

Washington, USA. US President Donald Trump returned to the White House on Monday after a three-day stay at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. He was hospitalized after being diagnosed of COVID-19 and his oxygen saturation level decreased..
Trump was seen wearing a mask which he removed while giving thumbs up and salutes before entering his helicopter, to be flown to the White House.
Trump’s video message in which he told the American people not to let the corona virus dominate them and be afraid of it has received people’s ire as the president has received around-the-clock care and therapies not easily available to most COVID-19 patients.Trump had been criticized for his insensitive comments on coronavirus and COVID-19 earlier too. More than 210,000 Americans have died from the virus.
Trump’s medical team has not provided complete details about the president’s condition and it was unclear when he would resume his campaign.
The president “may not be entirely out of the woods yet,” informed his physician Sean Conley in a press briefing. He told that Trump’s health will be observed closely.On the other hand Trump tweeted before leaving the hospital that he”Will be back on the Campaign Trail soon!!!” “The Fake News only shows the Fake Polls,” he added.
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