Lonely Planet lists Annapurna Circuit as one of world’s top 10 travel destinations

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Kathmandu. Nepal’s Annapurna Circuit has been chosen as one of the 10 most incredible travel experiences in the world by Lonely Planet, the famous travel guidebook and website.

In its ‘Ultimate Travel List’ of ‘500 most thrilling, memorable, downright interesting places on this planet’, Lonely Planet has ranked the Annapurna Circuit in the 10th position.

The site mentions that the Annapurna region is a worthy place to visit offering a unique experience of golden temples, charming hill villages, jungle wildlife watching, and the incredible walk around Nepal’s Annapurna massif.

Lonely planet notes that the high altitude Tilicho Lake, Kaligandaki Valley and the Thorongla Passs make it a memorable experience. ”And at the end of the day some of Nepal’s best lodges offer hot meals, apple pie and pots of milky tea,” adds the site.

The Annapurna region lies to the north of Pokhara, one of the major tourist destinations of Nepal. It offers an enchanting scenery making the trek ‘psychologically satisfying’. The journey begins in rice terraces, climbing through yak pastures before crossing the Thorong La pass. Lonely Planet has suggested trekkers around the world to place Annapurna region in their future plans as ‘it is everything a good trek should be – challenging, majestic and inspirational.’

At the top in the list of top 10 ultimate travel destinations is Petra City of Jordan, followed by Galapagos Islands of Ecuador and the Uluru National Park of Australia.

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