Preparations to hold Lumbini province’s winter convention in Deukhuri

Deukhuri. Preparations have begun for holding the winter convention of Lumbini province in the provincial capital, Deukhuri. Discussions have been held in the capital on the issue of organizing a provincial assembly to ensure a smooth functioning since making Deukhuri the permanent capital.
A study has been commenced by the Office of the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers on whether the first meeting of the convention can be held in Deukhuri soon after the festival season or not. State Assembly member Indrajit Tharu informed that a discussion was held on Thursday with the study of infrastructure in Rapti Village Municipality. “There are infrastructures now. Therefore, the current parliament can and should be held in Deukhuri.” stated Tharu.
Chairman of Rapti Village Municipality Numananda Subedi has mentioned that the house can be managed with the State Chief Secretary. “We have already said that we are ready to take the responsibility,” he assured. It is believed that the building of Rapti Technical School can avail a structure to hold the State Assembly meeting and keep the Office of the Ministry for the time being.
Chief District Officer of Dang, Jayanarayan Acharya, informed that discussions have been held with the State Secretary on issues related to the permanent capital of the state. He further added, “There has been a brief look at the areas with infrastructure. This can be resolved through further study and discussion.” Discussions have already been held with the heads of Rapti Technical School, Rapti Village Municipality, Dang Chief District Officer, Security Officers, Land Revenue and Survey Officers.
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