Sculpture of whale’s tail saves train from being derailed in Netherlands

Kathmandu. A train in Netherlands was saved from derailing and plunging 30 feet below by a sculpture of a whale’s tail. The accident occurred at the city of Spijkenisse on Monday.
According to an article in The New York Times, no one was harmed as the driver was the only person present aboard the train. The driver was also able to evacuate himself safely.
Ruud Natrop, a spokesman for safety in the Rotterdam-Rijnmond area said, “It’s like the scene of a Hollywood movie. Thank God the tail was there.” The sculptures of two whale tails was made by Maarten Struijs twenty years ago. He stated that he was worried about one of the sculptures, over which the train
Large numbers of people gathered to witness the wondrous incident. Discussions are being carried out on how to remove the train from the sculpture.
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