Kamal Thapa backs goverment’s decision to remove ‘Federal Democratic Republic’ from the formal name of Nepal

Kathmandu. At a time when the government is being widely criticized for its decision to change the formal name of Nepal from ‘Federal Democratic Republic Nepal’ to ‘Nepal’, chair of Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) and former Deputy Prime Minister Kamal Thapa has supported the government’s decision and called it appropriate.
The government has recently issued a circular to all local governments and has also drawn the attention of the diplomatic missions towards the change in the formal name and urged all to use ‘Nepal’ not ‘Federal Democratic Republic Nepal.’
RPP Chair Thapa tweeted that the name ‘Nepal’ doesn’t require any adjective or description. “I am not telling this because I oppose federalism or republicanism. Nepal’s name has been ‘Nepal’ since ancient time. It was not necessary to add a prefix to Nepal. The government’s decision, albeit late, is appropriate. The attitude of those who have taken the step as a conspiracy just shows the fragility of the assumption upon which the whole idea is based,” he writes.
संघियता/गणतन्त्रको विपक्षमा रहेको कारणले भनेको होईन,प्राचिनकालदेखि हाम्रो देशको नाम ‘नेपाल’ हो।नामको अगाडी बिशेषण जोड्नु आबश्यक थिएन।सरकारको निर्णय ठीक छ।नाम अगाडी रहेका बिशेषण हटाउंदा षडयन्त्र भएको ठान्नेहरूको मनस्थितिबाट प्रष्ट हुन्छ-ति मान्यता कति कमजोर धरातलमा खडा गरिएको रहेछ
— Kamal Thapa (@KTnepal) November 6, 2020
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