Renu Dahal distributed bicycles to 297 female students

Chitwan. In order to encourage the continuity of female education, the Mayor of Bharatpur Municipality, Renu Dahal on Monday, distributed bicycles to 162 poor and needy adolescent school girls in wards – 17, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28.
In the previous fiscal year, the Mayor had planned to distribute a total of 330 bicycles to the girls in 12 wards. However, due to the spread of COVID-19, the program was postponed to this fiscal year. In the first episode, Dahal had distributed bicycles to 135 students of 17 schools in wards – 13, 14, 22, 23 and 24 of West Chitwan.
Dahal informed that the schools in the Bharatpur Metropolitan city are being made girl-friendly and technology-friendly. She also informed that the corporation is preparing to install the internet in the schools as well as distribute laptops. Moreover, physical infrastructure of 60 out of 123 community schools is also being constructed. RSS
Dahal recently inaugurated an Entrepreneurial Training Center for women in the ward-21, Parvatipur.
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