Daughter returns home three years after stealing all of parents’ savings

Kathmandu. An elderly couple life savings was stolen, and their daughter who was responsible for the shock was put to jail for three years for the crime, and other offenses, that included fraud and theft.
Melissa Fordham stole her parents’ savings worth of 130,000 pounds when her parents were out for a Europe trip in 2017. When her parents tried to withdraw money from a credit card in Spain, they found no money in their account.
According to a report from The Daily Mail, the parents, Terence, 83, and Elizabeth Fordham, 73, have forgiven their child saying that they have witnessed changes in her.
Terence said, “She is a different person entirely. She has grown in stature, she’s much more confident than what she was. She’s happy. We arranged a meeting at the open prison which was only supposed to last for an hour but it went on for two and a half hours.”
Melissa mentioned that she was thankful that her parents forgave her for what she did.
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