‘War’ of Scouts: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts fight legal battle in America

Kathmandu, December 28. The Boy Scouts in United States of America had dropped ‘boy’ from the name and opened it for girls in 2018. But it seems that it did not go well for the boys. The Girl Scouts have told that the recruitment for girls have been ‘highly damaging’ for them. Lawyers advocating for the Girl Scouts have said that parents mistakenly signed their girls up for Boy Scouts thinking that were Girl Scouts.
The Boy Scouts have blamed the Girl Scouts for starting a ‘ground war’, with lawyers advocating for them claiming that the word ‘scout’ or ‘scouting’ cannot be used for recruiting girls. The statement released by the Boy Scouts have said, “not only inaccurate – with no legally admissible instance of this offered to date in the case – but it is also dismissive of the decisions of more than 120,000 girls and young women who have joined Cub Scouts or Scouts BSA”.
The move has been severely criticized in online platforms and have accused the Boy Scouts for a ‘covert campaign’ to decline membership for Girl scouts.
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