What was… (Poetry)
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What was the light that gave me wings?
What was the love that gave me life?
What was that anger that made itself known?
What was the howl that pierced the night?

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What was the light that gave me wings?
The made the flowers bloom in endless springs
That gave the moon a shine so bright
That gave the wind a force of might.
What was the love that gave me life?
That created the songs that allayed the strife
That breathed in the voice of the nightingale
That roared in the majestic lion’s tales
What was that anger that made itself known?
That shined in the fire of the hellish throne
That weaved itself in the pure intentions
Gleefully reflected in the mirror of pretentions
What was the howl that pierced the night?
That made the innocence run with fright
That stole the essence of spring’s own fragrance
Creeping within brave hearts with false assurance
Shweta Karki is a regular teaching faculty at the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy, Tribhuvan University.
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