NECC Announces its Election

Washington DC, Sept 4: Nepal Education and Cultural Center (NECC) has announced its election. As the term of the current executive committee and board of trustees of the center will end on December 31, the center has announced the election. The Bylaws of the center has made it mandatory that the election of the new successor committee should be prior the end of the term.
Election will be held for the following positions:
Executive Committee (EC):
Vice President – Programs and Operation
Vice President – Finance and Development
General Secretary
Vice Treasurer
Managing Directors 8 :
1. Culture
2. Education
3. Inventory Management and Food service
4. Facility Management and Development
5. Information Technology
6. Community Outreach and Fundraising
7. Media and Publication
8. General and Operations
Board of Trustees (BOT)
Vice Chairman
Board of Trustees 11 (members of the BOT)
All existing general members are required to pay annual dues of $100.00 by October 31st 2023. New membership also can be obtained by paying $100.00 annual membership fee by the same date (Oct 31, 2023).
For those community members who want to be associated with the organization, following are the membership details and fees:
1. General member $100.00 annual dues by October 31st, 2023, of each year
2. Life member $2,000.00 onetime minimum contribution
3. Trustees $5,000.00 onetime minimum contribution
4. Platinum $15,000.00 onetime minimum contribution
5. Benefactor $25,000.00 onetime minimum contribution
6. Patron $50,000.00 onetime minimum contribution
7. Golden Patron $100,000.00 onetime minimum contribution
8. Diamond Patron $500,000.00 onetime minimum contribution
Interested Individual can contact Finance team for the Membership details @ For the president of the Executive committee, trustee level membership is required. The NECC Election team humbly requests all the community members to be part of this great organization with great pride to carry on our original culture in our new adapted homeland, USA.
Interested individuals can send letter of interest for any of the above position by emailing at no later than November 15th, 2023. Other details of the election will be forthcoming.
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