Snowfall Blankets Northern Gorkha, Bringing Challenges and Benefits

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Gorkha, Dec 5: The northern region of Gorkha district has experienced continuous snowfall since Monday night.

Chum and Nubri valleys, situated in the higher hilly areas of the district, received snowfall, as reported by Nima Lama, Chairman of Chumnubri Rural Municipality.

Areas like Chumchet and Chhekampar in Chum valley, and Lho, Prok, and Samagaon in Nubri valley are now covered in snow, resulting in severe cold conditions.

Nima Dorje Lama, a hotel entrepreneur in Samdo, highlighted the inconvenience caused by the snowfall to daily life. Activities such as grazing cattle, collecting grass, and fodder have become challenging. The freezing of water sources has also led to difficulties in obtaining drinking water, affecting particularly the elderly, children, and those who are unwell.

Situated at an elevation of 3,500 meters, Samdo village is among the affected areas. Chhang Dorje Lama, a local resident, mentioned that the mountainous highlands have been blanketed with snow.

The snowfall has also impeded the movement of both foreign and domestic trekkers, as reported by the Manaslu Conservation Area Project (MCAP) office. Tourists in the Manaslu area are confined to staying inside hotels.

Despite the challenges posed by the snow, local farmers are pleased with the precipitation, anticipating benefits for winter crops and fruits.

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