Vulture Counting Begins in Kanchanpur on 16th International Vulture Awareness Day

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Kanchanpur, Sept 7: On the occasion of the 16th International Vulture Awareness Day, vulture counting is being conducted in Kanchanpur today. With financial support from the Nepal Bird Conservation Association, enumerators have been deployed in areas where vultures are likely to be found. Bird expert Hirulal Dagoura mentioned that the day will be observed through vulture counting, awareness programs, and observation activities.

Representatives from Shuklaphanta National Park, Shuklaphanta Nature Guide Association, NTNC, Kanchanpur Bird Conservation Group, Belauri Municipal Youth Network, and other groups are participating in the count, which started early in the morning.

The counting program is being carried out in various locations including Hirapurphanta, Bhatpuri, Tarapur, Shuklaphanta grassland, and other areas both inside and outside the park, as well as Khutia and Belipatela areas of Kailali. Enumerators have been grouped into teams of five to ten people.

Along with counting vulture species, the enumerators are also recording their behaviors, potential threats, and challenges. Tools like books, posters, and the Merlin app are being used to identify species and record data through photos and videos.

The counting times are scheduled from 7 AM to 11 AM and 3 PM to 6 PM. In the previous survey, more than 120 vulture nests were recorded in Kanchanpur, with 114 nests belonging to the endangered Dungar vulture. Experts estimate there are around 300 to 400 vultures in Kanchanpur, representing nine species found in Nepal.

International Vulture Awareness Day is observed annually on the first Saturday of September, and in Nepal, it is being celebrated from September 1st to 7th.

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