rms queen elizabeth crew lists

rms queen elizabeth crew lists

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With ' Queen Mary' she provided weekly luxury liner service between Southampton in the United Kingdom and New York City in the United States, via Cherbourg in France. This anticipated event never occurred and was considered very unlikely to occur, so the well space was plated in and used for additional accommodation. The maiden voyage had been arranged to depart from Southampton on 16th October 1946. ', Sir Percy Bates stressed that the new QUEEN ELIZABETH, 'would be no slavish copy of her sister, the QUEEN MARY', In this photograph the QUEEN MARY is undertaking her speed. to embark 5,000 troops on a northbound convoy to Suez. WebScenes on the main podium prior the launching, the two Princesses are notable, especially Princess Elizabeth , our future Queen! WebRMS Queen Elizabeth History Pages. Following his retirement, Sir James was in great demand as a lecturer and one day was telling some schoolchildren of the days when 2,000 lbs of bacon and 32,000 eggs were cooked for breakfast every day. As a result only twelve boilers were needed for the QUEEN ELIZABETH, rather than the twenty-four in the, Another obvious difference between the two ships was the lack of a forward well deck on the new QUEEN ELIZABETH. For $7.75 the QUEEN ELIZABETH was sold to a group of Philadelphia businessmen. Gregg William. The small vessel's skipper hoisted a flag signal: "What ship is that?" Archive British Pathe film footage of the launch can be viewed by logging on to: < British Pathe The Queen launches the QUEEN ELIZABETH 1938 >, The QUEEN ELIZABETH enters the waters of the River Clyde, The crowds at John Brown's shipyard at the launch, The QUEEN ELIZABETH is towed round to the fitting-out basin at, John Brown's shipyard, following her successful launch. Cunard had warned the new buyers against carrying passengers and would have nothing to do with the bookings, but nevertheless carried the blame in the eyes of the disgruntled passengers. [21] After her trials Queen Elizabeth finally entered passenger service, allowing Cunard White Star to launch the long-planned two-ship weekly service to New York. WebThe RMS Queen Elizabeth was an ocean liner operated by Cunard Line. Day it fell to the Queens to transport back to the United States many of the hundreds of thousands of the G.I.s they had brought to Europe, and, in the case of the QUEEN MARY, to transport 25,000 American servicemen's 'War Brides' and their children to their new home country. Early in the afternoon of 9th November a large, two-funnelled steamer was sighted, some six to seven miles away. "Public memory is notoriously short," said Dr Rebbeck, "It has apparently been forgotten that in 1927 we laid the keel of a 1,000 foot passenger liner for the White Star Line. The forms had to be filed within 30 days of the end of June or December. She was back in New York on 19th August to begin her regular G.I. Both fires were considered suspicious and detectives questioned 2,000 Thorneycroft workmen and some 400 crew. Queen Elizabeth and her daughters Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret joined the QUEEN ELIZABETH for the trials on 7th October. [10] She was to be eleven feet longer and 4,000 tons greater displacement than her older sibling, Queen Mary. RMS Queen Elizabeth, World's Largest Liner. Seaman Lornie Peter Barnard. A few muster rolls survive in other record series. A temporary electrical fault had developed with the. Shuttle', her first such voyage leaving New York for the Clyde on 5th June 1942. Use this guide for advice on how to find British merchant shipping records known as crew lists and agreements, originally known as muster books, and log books. In an lighter vein, it should not be forgotten that it was a G.I. The submarine dived and the captain identified the ship as the QUEEN ELIZABETH. However, because of the prestigious nature of the Elizabeth's maiden arrival at New York as a commercial passenger liner, Commodore Bisset decided to press on and dock the ship at Pier 90 without the aid of tugs if necessary. Barry Claud Barrington. The Directors were faced with the almost unbelievable fact that the gross revenue of the Company for the year was calculated to be nearly 2.5 million down on 1930. Sir Percy Bates told Commodore Bisset: "We do not expect you to attempt to make speed records either on the trials or on the maiden voyage. These are not two separate documents but one and the same thing; you may see them referred to simply as crew lists, or sometimes simply as agreements. A Court of Inquiry found that arson was the cause of the fires. Cunard White Star Tourist Class, January 1949. Flt.Lt. After that she sailed to the British naval base at Simonstown, to the south of Cape Town. Built at the famed John Brown Shipyard in Clydebank, Queen Elizabeth was the largest passenger ship ever constructed, a title she held from her launch until 1996 when finally eclipsed A parakeet flew in through an open porthole at New York and quickly became the mascot of the ship's officers who bought him a fancy cage and named him Joey. It was eventually decided to send the QUEEN ELIZABETH to Canada for drydocking at Esquimalt. The fewer crossings were due to the, At the Cunard Steamship Company's Annual General Meeting held on 28th May 1959, the Chairman Colonel Denis Bates speculated on how the world would be travelling in the future. Within each box the lists are randomly arranged. In July the ship was sold for $8.64 million to a company called Queen Inc. Steam locomotives delivered the steel plates, but lighter items were brought in by horse-drawn lorries. However, U.S. legislators had another surprise up their sleeve. Commenced her first regular Southampton-New York voyage, October 16, 1946, making the crossing in four days, 16 hours, 18 minutes. The general assumption that the replacements for the 'Queens' would be built at Clydebank touched a nerve with Dr Dennis Rebbeck, deputy managing director of Harland & Wolff, Belfast. Following this ultimatum the Southern Railway decided to go ahead with the construction of a dry dock 1,200 feet in length, 135 feet wide and 48 feet deep, with a wide area outside the entrance for the ship to swing. The QUEEN ELIZABETH had also been fitted with four miles of rubber coated copper cable would around her enormous hull. Cunard's attempts to introduce economies on the QUEEN ELIZABETH in the late 1950s met with fierce opposition from passengers. From 22nd October 1945 it was the QUEEN ELIZABETH's job to repatriate thousands of Canadian soldiers. This would take at least an hour plus many miles, and this would not have allowed her to stop within Kessler's observation. [21] Queen Elizabeth's engines were capable of driving her to speeds of over 32 knots. The new liner had a weight on the slipway of 39,400 tons. The QUEEN ELIZABETH encountered a severe storm on 18th October, the day on which Commodore Bisset had arranged a memorial service for Sir Percy Bates. This also suffered from low bookings and became known as the 'Ghost Ship Voyage'. Many thanks to Ted Finch for his assistance in collecting this data. One major factor that limited the ship's departure date was that there were only two spring tides that year that would see the water level high enough for Queen Elizabeth to leave the Clydebank shipyard,[15] and German intelligence were aware of this fact. TheNational Records of Scotlandholds agreements and crew lists under the reference BT 3, covering 1867-1913, for Scottish ships only. The liner's new owners were by now in financial difficulty and Cunard stepped in to moderate a worsening situation by more or less taking over the new venture. In that year there would be only two days on which a high enough tide would be available to move the QUEEN ELIZABETH. The railway company expressed the view that the projected dry dock could not be started for some eight to ten years and that it would take between four and five years to complete. The National Maritime Museum read the museumsMerchant Navy research guidefor advice on how to search for records there. WebHMS Queen Elizabeth is the largest and most powerful vessel ever constructed for the Royal Navy. The charred remnants of her last ensign were cut from the flagpole and framed in 1972, and still adorn the wall of the officers' mess of marine police HQ in Hong Kong. WebThe Queen Elizabeth is the newest addition to the Cunard Line and made its debut voyage in October 2010. The work would include the installation of full air conditioning, the fitting of private showers and toilets in much of the cabin class and tourist class accommodation, and the creation of a lido at the after end of the promenade deck, incorporating an outdoor heated swimming pool. BT 387 is arranged by ranges of ships names therefore you will need to browse the series. Sir Percy Bates stressed that, The NORMANDIE had one edge on the QUEEN MARY in being aesthetically more pleasing through her revolutionary streamlining and lack of visible deck 'clutter'. This argument was buttressed by the statement that the British Government charged the United States for transporting American troops in the QUEEN MARY and the QUEEN ELIZABETH. Tung had acquired the vessel for $3.5million, and had insured it for $8million, led some to speculate that the inferno was part of a fraud to collect on the insurance claim. Not until the, Steam was raised on all boilers on 1st March. The keel, boilers and engines remained at the bottom of the harbour, and the area was marked as "Foul" on local sea charts, warning ships not to try to anchor there. The passage time to Nassau would be 39 hours each way, giving passengers almost two full days there. She urgently needed to be drydocked to have the remains of her launch gear removed from her bottom plates which would then have to be cleaned and painted. On 8th May 1967, the axe finally fell and it was announced that the QUEEN ELIZABETH would be withdrawn a year earlier than originally planned - in the Autumn of 1968 after a final summer on the Western Ocean. Image of a ships muster roll 1770-1775 (catalogue reference: BT 98/3). There are usually several boxes of records for each port of registry, each box containing an alphabetical range of ships names. For example, for a ship with the number 25820, search using 258* (include the asterisk) as your keyword. Commenced her first sailing from the Clyde, bound for New York, February 27, 1940. WebThe National Records of Scotland holds agreements and crew lists under the reference BT 3, covering 1867-1913, for Scottish ships only. The starboard side of the promenade deck, looking aft. [25] However, the strategy did not prove successful, owing to the ship's deep draught, which prevented her from entering various island ports, her width, which prevented her from using the Panama Canal, and also her high fuel costs. This was simply a record of the total number of crew (known as a muster roll), but it evolved into what are known as crew lists and agreements. During a conference on board, the U.S. military was told how many men had been transported on each Sydney - Suez voyage. each day in the QUEEN ELIZABETH's first-class restaurant. The normal insurance market would not be able to provide cover for anything like the whole cost. [citation needed]. Tung personally visited his ship. The superheated steam needed to be cooled to normal working temperature before slowing the ship could even be considered. The QUEEN ELIZABETH arrived at Singapore three weeks after leaving New York for a seven-week conversion into a troopship with accommodation for 5,000 troops. An alternative was serving in the Merchant Navy, and the prospect of earning 2 a week in the forces, or being well paid in the merchant service proved to be a one-sided choice for many youngsters. The records held are for years ending with five (1955, 1965, and so on).https://www.rmg.co.uk/collections/research-guides/research-guide-c12-merchant-navy-ship-registration-custom-house-records. She then stopped for a few minutes before proceeding on her way. RMS Carpathia - History, Accommodations, & Ephemera Collection. The QUEEN ELIZABETH's final season on the Atlantic was uneventful other than for the enthusiasm expressed by her regular passengers who wanted to sail in her just one last time. Others speculated that the fires were the result of a conflict between Tung, a Chinese Nationalist, and Communist-dominated ship construction unions. We hold just 10% of the surviving records for this period. In the entrance channel to the harbour at Port Everglades a second boiler blew and the SEAWISE UNIVERSITY now had just four boilers functioning out of a possible twelve. Cabins designed for two passengers were equipped with. In 1972, whilst she was undergoing refurbishment in Hong Kong harbour, a fire broke out aboard under unexplained circumstances, and the ship was capsized by the water used to fight the fire. Shuttle work in earnest. The QUEEN ELIZABETH at the fitting-out berth at John Brown's shipyard. The QUEEN ELIZABETH leaving the fitting-out berth at John Brown's. However, because of the prestigious nature of the, On 14th April 1947 the QUEEN ELIZABETH was homeward bound and after leaving Cherbourg encountered thick fog in the Channel. The first hint of competition from the airlines came in October 1951 and this resulted in speeding up the turn-round of the 'Queens' in 1952. During her construction she was more commonly known by her shipyard number, Hull 552. The highest number that she carried on any one voyage was 15,932 passengers and crew, but the record for the highest number ever carried in one ship goes to the QUEEN MARY with 16,683. This 'Glee Party', as it was known, then toured the vessel deck by deck. He went on deck and saw three great ships - the two 'Queens' and the ILE DE FRANCE stationary. A/CPO Lornie Peter Barnard. [5] She was launched on 27 September 1938 and named in honour of Queen Elizabeth, who was later known as the Queen Mother. A Schedule D form was headed Accounts Of Voyages And Crew For Home Trade Ship. Dr Maguire said that he never did find out just who was responsible for that risky mid-ocean mail collecting. A signal for assistance was sent and - within the hour - the company, port and salvage officials were on board and in conference with Captain Ford. Shuttle, there were six sittings for each of two meals. For the first time it seemed possible that two ships could be built which would be able to maintain a weekly express service between Southampton and New York, doing the work previously done by three ships. WebQueen Elizabeth docked at Southampton in 1967. In January 1931 agreement was reached with the New York Port Authority for a thousand-foot long pier at a rent of 48,000 a year. There was now no hope of her entering service as the jewel of the British merchant marine. To economise on fuel, the QUEEN MARY was using just two of her four propellers. When a speed of 25 knots had been reached and maintained for one hour, the escorting warships were informed that the 'engine trials' had been satisfactory and that there was no objection to their standing down. The, After disembarking the U.S. troops at Sydney on 6th April 1942, the QUEEN ELIZABETH remained in port for thirteen days before sailing for Fremantle on 19th April. As Sir Percy Bates was fond of saying: "These two new, vessels represent the smallest and slowest ships which can, economically maintain a two-ship weekly trans-Atlantic service. -__________________________________________________________, Cunard Line QUEEN ELIZABETH of 1938, Part 1, Cunard Line QUEEN ELIZABETH of 1938, Part 2, Arrivals & DeparturesQueen Elizabeth Southampton 1950, (from an original painting by Robert Lloyd). The Elizabeth sailed at 8.pm. Queen Elizabeth with Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. Two stops would be required for refuelling and watering. The QUEEN ELIZABETH making her final arrival at Southampton at the. This is, indeed, the very heart of a shipping city, where, standing in the windows of that building, one can see the ships of all nations passing by in procession at tide-time, almost as mundanely as the trams whose terminus is at the water's edge. Sailing day, Wednesday 16th October 1946, was marred by the death of the Cunard - White Star Line chairman Sir Percy Bates on the previous afternoon. After V.E. When he asked for questions, one boy shot up his arm and asked: "How big were the frying pans?" Under the terms of the Cunard Insurance Act, Cunard was obliged to start work on the second ship before the Act expired in 1936. [citation needed], As a troopship, Queen Elizabeth left Singapore on 11 February, and on 23 February 1942 Queen Elizabeth secretly arrived in Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada. Finally, Queen Elizabeth was sold to Hong Kong businessman Tung Chao Yung, who intended to convert her into a floating university cruise ship called Seawise University. The size of the two proposed superliners was not dictated in any way by a desire on the part of Cunard to have 'Big Ships' for their own sake. Queen Elizabeth leaving New York during her last voyage, 1968. Works of art were also renovated by the original artists. She urgently needed to be drydocked to have the remains of her launch gear removed from her bottom plates which would then have to be cleaned and painted. Running mate: Queen Mary. WebHMS Queen Elizabeth during the Second World War 1939-1945. It read: "She is the last agency of truly comfortable and agreeable travel the world will ever know, since she will never be replaced on any comparable scale of sumptuousness.". ", Neville Chamberlain, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was convinced that faced with the growing competition from foreign liner companies there was not room for two big British companies acting in opposition to each other on the North Atlantic trade. It was against this background that the Cunard Company began the design stage for two new ships. At 3.pm the liner commenced her northward run over the Arran measured mile and covered the course in 2 minutes 1.3 seconds which gave an average speed of 29.71 knots. The QUEEN ELIZABETH at anchor in Sydney Harbour waiting. The Elizabeth sailed at 8.pm. Quadruple-screw, 31 knots. Sir John went on to say that he believed 1962 would show an improvement over 1961, but it was impossible to say how much at that stage. That is quite sufficient to ensure her a place in the story of Liverpool ships. Like a Greek tragedy the tale of woe gathered force. On 25th November 1935 Sir Percy Bates wrote to Swan Hunter; Vickers Armstrong; John Brown and Cammell Laird advising them that, although his Board had not reached any final decision, they might decide to build a vessel to run alongside the QUEEN MARY. They blamed it all on Joey and reports finally got back to the Commodore who ruled that Joey must go ! Townley and his hastily signed-on crew of four hundred Cunard personnel were told by a company representative before they left to pack for a voyage where they could be away from home for up to six months.[16]. A/CPO Lornie Peter Barnard. A model of the ocean liner Queen Elizabeth has sat serenely for the last 15 years, gliding along on its pedestal in a PEM gallery. This also suffered from low bookings and became known as the. The year 1960 proved to be another good one for Cunard. As a result only twelve boilers were needed for the QUEEN ELIZABETH, rather than the twenty-four in the Mary. This awe-inspiring warship is capable of carrying up to 40 aircraft. [9][10] It was announced that on 23 August 1939 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth were to visit the ship and tour the engine room and that 24 April 1940 was to be the proposed date of her maiden voyage. She docked on the north side of Pier 90 at 5.pm on the afternoon of Thursday, 7th March 1940. The QUEEN ELIZABETH slips away from John Brown's shipyard. So much for the cynics who, in the early days of the war, had prophesied that the Queens would lie uselessly alongside their safe pier in New York for the duration of the war! Marr recommended that Seawise University be towed to the New Territories, but Tung and his crew were convinced that they could sail the ship there using just the aft engines and boilers. On being told that she should not leave the yacht's helm unattended, she shouted that she had gone below to boil some milk! Flt.Lt. The result brightened up the ship considerably after the years of drabness. The C.G.T. The GG Archives is the work and passion of two people, Paul Gjenvick, a professional archivist, and Evelyne Gjenvick, a curator. The QUEEN ELIZABETH entering the King George V Dry Dock at Southampton, The QUEEN ELIZABETH was ready for her trials in early October and sailed for the Clyde on the sixth of the month. 'Standee' bunks and accommodated up to eight G.I.s. Since the Registry General of Shipping and seamen regulations covered only British seamen, details of engagement, such as length of engagement, could be different, allowing a lascar seaman to be contracted for a period longer than one voyage and sometimes for several years. It was on 3rd February 1971 that the first engine trials were carried out and sailing day was set for Wedmesday 10th February. This had been included on the Mary to spend the force of any heavy sea that might break over the bow before the water could damage the superstructure. After a call at Rio de Janeiro, the Elizabeth finally arrived inNew York to begin what became known as the 'G.I. (the French Line) brought out the ILE DE FRANCE in that year, and it was known that it was planning to build a superliner (which would be the NORMANDIE). Rear Admiral Carruthers Joseph William. To locate crew lists for these years you will need to know the name of the ship on which an individual seaman sailed. As an indication of the worsening European situation, the keel of the Royal Navy's newest battleship, HMS DUKE OF YORK, was laid on 5th May 1937 on the slipway adjoining the QUEEN ELIZABETH. 1951onwards There was no one on deck, but when the yacht was hailed an old lady appeared from below. Altogether the QUEEN ELIZABETH made 35 round voyages across the North Atlantic on the 'G.I. WebQueen Elizabeth docked at Southampton in 1967. It was named after Dr Gauss, a nineteenth century expert on magnetism, whose theories had enabled the Germans to produce their new lethal magnetic mines. The King's Messenger was awaited as he would bring the order to sail. From there she sailed to Simonstown (Cape Town) where German prisoners of war boarded, heading for internment in the United States. The Pacific was too dangerous for her with both German and Japanese submarines on the prowl. That evening the crew was paid off and just 193 were retained to take the Elizabeth on her delivery voyage to Fort Lauderdale. [38][39], The wreck also featured in a flashback sequence in an episode of American Dragon: Jake Long. The ship sat like a giant beacon in the middle of Clydebank, visible for miles around. Over the next three days the ship took on eighteen of her twenty-six lifeboats. WebThe National Records of Scotland holds agreements and crew lists under the reference BT 3, covering 1867-1913, for Scottish ships only. Seaman Lornie Peter Barnard. 1951onwards But the prime reason for the day's visit was for the Queen to unveil a portrait of herself. Just over 400 crew (mostly from the AQUITANIA) had joined the QUEEN ELIZABETH at Clydebank, under the command of Captain Jack Townley, signing Articles for a short coastwise voyage which would ostensibly terminate at Southampton where a hurriedly prepared dry-docking plan had been received by the port authority. REINA DEL PACIFICO PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION. The ship's company was brought up to 465 and at 3.30pm on 13th November 1940 the Elizabeth, heavily laden with fuel and water, slipped away from New York and headed south. The minimum rate for each cruise would be $185 or 66. During the turnround in New York on her second G.I. He said that it had become a source of irritation to him and his colleagues on the board. This, it is stated, is the largest number carried in any transatlantic ship during the year and gives an average of 1,593 passengers in each sailing. The Company's liners carried 207,563 passengers or 23.95% of the combined total of passengers carried by all transatlantic shipping lines in 1960. There were only five dry docks in the world which could accommodate the, The QUEEN ELIZABETH arrived at Singapore three weeks after leaving New York for a seven-week conversion into a troopship with accommodation for 5,000 troops. Churchill, as First Lord of the Admiralty, expressed his fears for the safety of the QUEEN ELIZABETH and felt that she would fall victim to Nazi bombers in her exposed site at Clydebank. at Southampton which was specially constructed for the 'Queens'. Dredging had not been completed at Port Everglades so Commodore Marr was instructed to cruise the Elizabeth slowly down the coast to 'show the flag'. With just enough room for a man to squeeze into his standee. [29] The vessel was finally declared a shipping hazard and dismantled for scrap between December 1974[30] and 1975. The vessel was sold to Queen Ltd of Port Everglades on 19 July 1969. CPO. AB. The 'Cassandra' column in the 'Daily Mirror' on 29th November 1961 was uncharacteristically enthusiastic about the QUEEN ELIZABETH. The Clyde Navigation Trust indicated that the dredged channel in the Clyde would not be ready before the end of February 1940. Be only two days on which an individual seaman sailed ELIZABETH to Canada for at. Both German and Japanese submarines on the prowl construction unions is quite sufficient to her... To search for records there of Scotlandholds agreements and crew lists under the reference BT 3 covering... But the prime reason for the Royal Navy shipping lines in 1960 voyage Fort... Scotlandholds agreements and crew lists for these years you will need rms queen elizabeth crew lists know the name of British. The end of June or December lists under the reference BT 3, covering 1867-1913, Scottish! Asked for questions, one boy shot up his arm and asked: how. 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