Poem of the week: “New Year 2022 Welcome to You” by Prof. Medani P. Bhandari

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Again, New Year arrived with new hope

With new circumstances and new shape

Asking to forget last year’s tortures and calamities

Be ready for the new strength and opportunities.


By evaluating last year’s pandemics causalities

The wound, pain, torture, and fractions

New year arrived with different web of time

With the new messages of unity and shine.


The eyelids of ours are still swollen

Heartbeat by the shock is still raising

The illness and unbearable pain still biting

Hunger and injustice becoming almighty.


Burning eyes and tears are for her lost babies

Non stopped tears crying are for lost relatives

Trampling lamenting and shaking is always as usual

Whatever, we have been facing is all unusual.


She can not speak yet, she is petrified,

Could not open her eyes she is scared

The mind is not in control due to anguish

She can’t response because of the grief.


Her trampling raised arms are to ask for humanity

Crossed fingers are to seek the security

Nonstop murmuring is to beg for morality

The non-stop prayers are to seek for the human equality.


The woe and wound,  woven shows story of past

The twinkling eyes with light asks to forget the last,

The yellowish blue light is the hope for new year,

Light is weak, delicate and needs to protect from fears.


Wake up and beware the new year came

Open heart with love let us welcome

Let us exchange hugs and share the joy

Lit the candle of hope and trough the foe.


Year is the time count and time is the GOD

Past is the and present is the real God.

Year is the time count and time is the GOD

Past is the and present is the real God.

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