Paddy production increases in Province 1

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Biratnagar.The production of paddy grains in Province 1 has increased substantially this year. A good monsoon season along with favorable weather and adequate irrigation is said to be the cause for the better yield.

This year, over 1.3 million metric tons of paddy grains were produced against over 1.2 million metric tons in the fiscal year, 2075/76 and over 1.1 metric tons in 2076/77, according to Agriculture Development Directorate, Biratnagar.

Out of the total 340,829 hectares of arable land suitable for paddy cultivation, 332,917 hectares of land was used this year, which shows 97.68 per cent cultivation was done.  It’s a better year for paddy cultivation and production, said the directorate, Biratnagar

The directorate has taken the increment in paddy production as a good indicator in agriculture sector. Farmers are also rejoicing the bountiful yield, but they are not highly optimistic about the economic returns as the price for this year’s crop has not been determined yet.

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