Russia about to give an advanced satellite system to Iran: Report

Kathmandu, June 12. Russia is preparing to send an advanced satellite system to Iran, which is said to improve their spying skills.
According to a US media report, Russia will be giving Iran a Kanopus-V satellite with a high resolution camera, helping Iran to monitor activities over the Middle East. It said the satellite would allow “continuous monitoring of facilities ranging from Persian Gulf oil refineries and Israeli military bases to Iraqi barracks that house US troops”.
The satellite will launch in Russia, which will take place within months. The satellite is said to have consist Russian made hardware.
The report have come out days before US President Biden Russian President Putin are scheduled to meet in Geneva.
US-Iran Nuclear Deal
Washington and Tehran began indirect talks for the nuclear deal earlier this year.
Then-President Donald Trump pulled the U.S. out of the accord in 2018, opting for what he called a maximum-pressure campaign of stepped-up U.S. sanctions.
Since then, Iran has been steadily violating the restrictions of the deal, like the amount of enriched uranium it can stockpile and the purity to which it can enrich it.
US President Joe Biden said that the United States would not lift sanctions against Iran unless Iran stops enriching uranium first. Biden’s administration has decided to return back to the international treaty if the European Union sends an invitation for the ‘negotiating talks’.
Relations between Washington and Tehran have deteriorated since 2018, when the then US President Donald Trump abandoned the nuclear deal, due to which in 2019, Iran tried to drop its commitments. Experts claimed that stepping up the nuclear program can be Iran’s way of showing the world the assassination will withstand the nuclear activity of Iran.
Also read:
“Hundreds of sanctions” against Iran to remain in place: US Secretary of State
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