US President Biden Welcomes Deal for Release of Israeli Hostages, Credits Qatar and Egypt

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(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Kathmandu, Nov 22: In a significant diplomatic breakthrough, US President Joe Biden expressed his satisfaction with the recently reached deal concerning the Israeli hostages held captive. The hostages, who endured weeks of captivity, are finally set to reunite with their families.

President Biden extended his gratitude to Qatar and Egypt, acknowledging their pivotal roles in mediating the agreement. He also commended Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his unwavering commitment to supporting the ceasefire.

Highlighting the importance of full implementation of all aspects of the agreement, Biden emphasized that the United States played a crucial role in facilitating the deal, with Qatar and Egypt serving as valuable mediators.

The agreement, eagerly awaited since the hostages were taken by Hamas on October 7, outlines the release of 50 hostages, including women and children, in exchange for a four-day temporary ceasefire. Additionally, the agreement establishes a proportional release of hostages—10 for every additional day of ceasefire.

Despite the temporary ceasefire, the Israeli government has asserted its determination to continue military and security operations until all hostages are safely returned, and any threat from Gaza is eliminated.

Hamas, in response, issued a statement pledging to release 150 Palestinian women and children held in Israeli prisons in exchange for the 50 Israeli hostages.

Under the terms of the agreement, Gaza will receive essential humanitarian aid, medicines, and fuel through the entry of hundreds of trucks. Hamas specified that Israel would refrain from initiating attacks or making arrests during the four-day ceasefire.

As part of the temporary ceasefire measures, air traffic in southern Gaza will be completely suspended, and air service in northern Gaza will experience a six-hour daily suspension from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm local time. The agreement marks a significant step towards easing tensions and fostering a more stable environment in the region.

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