Kathmandu Metropolitan City to Enforce Complete Ban on Tobacco Sales in Wards

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Kathmandu, Nov 29: The Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) has announced a comprehensive ban on the sale of tobacco products across all 32 wards, effective from December 13, 2023. This move is part of the city’s ongoing efforts to promote a healthier environment and reduce the negative impact of tobacco on public health.

Ram Prasad Poudel, Chief of the Health Department at KMC, stated that the ban encompasses the selling, storage, and use of various tobacco products packaged in plastic. This includes cigarettes, beedi, tamakhu, sulfa, kakkad, raw tobacco packaged in plastic, chewing tobacco, gutkha, paan parag, and others.

The KMC Police will be actively involved in enforcing the ban, with plans to seize any prohibited tobacco products found being sold within the metropolis. Chief Poudel emphasized that the initiative aligns with the broader goal of transforming Kathmandu into a healthy city.

The decision to prohibit tobacco products is rooted in Clause 42 of the Public Health Act, issued by KMC in 2080 BS. This provision is being rigorously implemented to address the adverse effects of tobacco use on both individual health and the environment.

Tobacco control is being recognized as a pivotal step in enhancing public health and safeguarding the city’s environment. The KMC is not stopping at tobacco control and is reportedly gearing up to implement programs aimed at regulating hukka in the second phase of its health and environmental initiatives.

The move underscores the municipality’s commitment to creating a healthier living environment and reflects a broader global trend of cities taking decisive actions to mitigate the impact of tobacco use on their residents. The forthcoming implementation will mark a significant milestone in Kathmandu’s journey towards becoming a tobacco-free and healthier metropolis.

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